Tips for transfer definition parameters - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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This topic provides tips for using the more common options for transfer definitions. Context-sensitive help is available online for all options on the transfer definition commands.

Transfer definition (TFRDFN) This parameter is a three-part name that identifies a communications path between two systems. The first part of the name identifies the transfer definition. The second and third parts of the name identify two different system definitions which represent the systems between which communication is being defined. It is recommended that you use PRIMARY as the name of one transfer definition. To support replication, a transfer definition must identify the two systems that will be used by the data group.   You can explicitly specify the two systems, or you can allow MIMIX to resolve the names of the systems. For more information about allowing MIMIX to resolve the system names, see Using contextual (*ANY) transfer definitions.

Note: In the first part of the name, the first character must be either A - Z, $, #, or @. The remaining characters can be alphanumeric and can contain a $, #, @, a period (.), or an underscore (_).

For more information, see Target journal definition names generated by ADDRJLNK command.

Short transfer definition name (TFRSHORTN) This parameter specifies the short name of the transfer definition to be used in generating a relational database (RDB) directory name. The short transfer definition name must be a unique, four-character name if you specify to have MIMIX manage your RDB directory entries. It is recommended that you use the default value *GEN to generate the name. The generated name is a concatenation of the first character of the transfer definition name, the last character of the system 1 name, the last character of the system 2 name, and the fourth character will be either a blank, a letter (A - Z), or a single digit number (0 - 9).

Transfer protocol (PROTOCOL) This parameter specifies that the TCP/IP communications protocol will be used.TCP/IP is the only communications protocol that is supported by MIMIX in an IBM i clustering environment.

System x host name or address (HOST1, HOST2) These two parameters specify the host name or address of system 1 and system 2, respectively. The name is a mixed-case host alias name or a TCP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) and can be up to 256 characters in length. For the HOST1 parameter, the special value *SYS1 indicates that the host name is the same as the name specified for System 1 in the Transfer definition parameter. Similarly, for the HOST2 parameter, the special value *SYS2 indicates that the host name is the same as the name specified for System 2 in the Transfer definition parameter.

Note: The specified value is also used when starting the Lakeview TCP Server (STRSVR command). The HOST parameter on the STRSVR command is limited to 80 or fewer characters.

System x port number or alias (PORT1, PORT2) These two parameters specify the port number or port alias of system1 and system 2, respectively. The value of each parameter can be a 14-character mixed-case TCP port number or port alias with a range from 1000 through 55534. To avoid potential conflicts with designations made by the operating system, it is recommended that you use values between 40000 and 55500. By default, the PORT1 parameter uses the port 50410. For the PORT2 parameter, the default special value *PORT1 indicates that the value specified on the System 1 port number or alias (PORT1) parameter is used. If you configured TCP using port aliases in the service table, specify the alias name instead of the port number.

Note: If you have transfer definitions for multiple MIMIX installations, ensure that there is a 10-digit gap between the port numbers specified in the transfer definitions. For example, if port 40000 is used in the transfer definition for the MIMIXA installation, then the transfer definition for MIMIXB installation should be 40010 or higher.

The Relational database (RDB) parameter also applies to *TCP protocol.

Threshold size (THLDSIZE)  This parameter is accessible when you press F10 (Additional parameters). This controls the size of files and objects by specifying the maximum size of files and objects that are sent. If the file or object exceeds the threshold it is not sent. Valid values range from 1 through 9999999.   The special value *NOMAX indicates that no maximum value is set. Transmitting large files and objects can consume excessive communications bandwidth and negatively impact communications performance, especially for slow communication lines.

Manage autostart job entries (MNGAJE) This parameter is accessible when you press F10 (Additional parameters). This determines whether MIMIX will use this transfer definition to manage an autostart job entry for starting the TCP server for the MIMIXQGPL/MIMIXSBS subsystem description. The shipped default is *YES, whereby MIMIX will add, change, or remove an autostart job entry based on changes to this transfer definition. This parameter only affects transfer definitions for TCP protocol which have host names of 80 or fewer characters. For a given port number or alias, only one autostart job entry will be created regardless of how many transfer definitions use that port number or alias. An autostart job entry is created on each system related to the transfer definition.

When configuring a new installation, transfer definitions and MIMIX-added autostart job entries do not exist on other systems until after the first time the MIMIX managers are started. Therefore, during initial configuration you may need to manually start the TCP server on the other systems using the STRSVR command.

Relational database (RDB) This parameter is accessible when you press F10 (Additional parameters) and is valid in transfer definitions used internally by system manager processes and by transfer definitions used in environments configured to use remote journaling (default) in user journal replication processes. This parameter consists of four relational database values which identify the communications path used by the IBM i remote journal function to transport journal entries: a relational database directory entry name, two system database names, and a management indicator for directory entries. This parameter creates two RDB directory entries, one on each system identified in the transfer definition. Each entry identifies the other system’s relational database.

Note: If you use the value *ANY for both system 1 and system 2 on the transfer definition, *NONE is used for the directory entry name, and no directory entry is generated.

If MIMIX is managing your RDB directory entries, a directory entry is generated if you use the value *ANY for only one of the systems on the transfer definition. This directory entry is generated for the system that is specified as something other than *ANY. For more information about the use of the value *ANY on transfer definitions, see Using contextual (*ANY) transfer definitions.

The five elements of the relational database parameter are:

  • Directory entry This element specifies the name of the relational database entry. The default value *GEN causes MIMIX to create an RDB entry and add it to the relational database. The generated name is in the format MX_nnnnnnnnnn_ssss, where nnnnnnnnnn is the 10-character installation name, and ssss is the transfer definition short name. If you specify a value for the RDB parameter, it is recommended that you limit its length to 18 characters. When you specify the special value *NONE, the directory entry is not added or changed by MIMIX.

  • System 1 relational database This element specifies the name of the relational database for System 1. The default value *SYSDB specifies that MIMIX will determine the relational database name.

  • System 2 relational database This element specifies the name of the relational database for System 2. The default value *SYSDB specifies that MIMIX will determine the relational database name.

Note: For the System 1 relational database and System 2 relational database elements, if the remote journaling environment uses an independent ASP, specify the database name for the independent ASP. If you are managing the RDB directory entries and need to determine the system database name associated with either of these elements, see Finding the system database name for RDB directory entries.
  • Manage directory entries This element specifies that MIMIX will manage the relational database directory entries associated with the transfer definition whether the directory entry name is specified or whether the directory entry name is generated by MIMIX. Management of the relational database directory entries consists of adding, changing, and deleting the directory entries on both systems, as needed, when the transfer definition is created, changed, or deleted. The special value *DFT indicates that MIMIX manages the relational database directory entries only when the name is generated using the special value *GEN on the Directory entry element of this parameter. The special value *YES indicates that the directory entries on each system are managed by MIMIX. If the relational database directory entries do not exist, MIMIX adds them and sets any needed system values. If they do exist, MIMIX changes them to match the values specified by the Relational database (RDB) parameter. When any of the transfer definition relational database values change, the directory entry is also changed. When the transfer definition is deleted, the directory entries are also deleted.

  • Use SSL for directory entries This element specifies whether or not the RDB entry for the transfer definition should be configured to use SSL for remote journaling.

    Note:If you choose to use SSL, it is the user's responsibility to use all of the DCM Configuration to secure the connection.