MIMIX Remote Journal support uses the DDM communications infrastructure. This infrastructure can be configured to require a password when a server connection is made. The MIMIXOWN user profile, which establishes the remote journal connection, ships with a preset password so that it is consistent on all systems.
If you have implemented DDM password validation on any systems where MIMIX will be used, you should verify the DDM level. If the MIMIXOWN password is not the same on all systems in the MIMIX environment, you may need to change the MIMIXOWN user profile or the DDM security level to allow MIMIX Remote Journal support to function properly. These changes have security implications of which you should be aware.
If the MIMIXOWN password has not been changed from its shipped, preset value no action is necessary.
If the MIMIXOWN password has been changed from its shipped value, do the following on both systems to check the DDM password validation level in use:
From a command line, type
and press F4 (prompt). -
Check the value of the Lowest authentication method (PWDRQD) field:
If the value is *NO, *USRID, or *VLDONLY no further action is required. Press F12 (Cancel).
If the field contains any other value, you must take further action to enable MIMIX RJ support to function in your environment. Press F12, then continue with the next step.
Use one of the following options to change your environment to enable MIMIX RJ support to function. Each option has security implications. You must decide which option is best for your environment.