This topic provides tips for using the more common options for system definitions. Context-sensitive help is available online for all options on the system definition commands.
System definition (SYSDFN) This parameter is a single-part name that represents a system within a MIMIX installation. This name is a logical representation and does not need to match the system name that it represents. It is recommended that you avoid naming system definitions based on their roles. System roles such as source, target, production, and backup change upon switching.
System type (TYPE) This parameter indicates the role of this system within the MIMIX installation. A system can be a management (*MGT) system or a network (*NET) system. Only one system in the MIMIX installation can be a management system.
Transfer definitions (PRITFRDFN, SECTFRDFN) These parameters identify the primary and secondary transfer definitions used for communicating with the system. The communications path and protocol are defined in the transfer definitions. For MIMIX to be operational, the transfer definition names you specify must exist. MIMIX does not automatically create transfer definitions. If you accept the default value primary
for the Primary transfer definition, create a transfer definition by that name. If you specify a Secondary transfer definition, it will be used by MIMIX if communications path specified by the primary transfer definition is not available.
Cluster member (CLUMBR) You can specify if you want this system definition to be a member of a cluster. The system (node) will not be added to the cluster until the system manager is started the first time.
Cluster transfer definition (CLUTFRDFN) You can specify the transfer definition that cluster resource services will use to communicate to the node and for the node to communicate with other nodes in the cluster. You must specify *TCP as the transfer protocol.
Message handling (PRIMSGQ, SECMSGQ) MIMIX uses the centralized message log facility which is common to all MIMIX products. These parameters provide additional flexibility by allowing you to identify the message queues associated with the system definition and define the message filtering criteria for each message queue. By default, the primary message queue, MIMIX, is located in the MIMIXQGPL library. You can specify a different message queue or optionally specify a secondary message queue. You can also control the severity and type of messages that are sent to each message queue.
Communicate with mgt systems (MGTSYS) This parameter is ignored for system definitions of type *MGT. For system definitions of type *NET, MIMIX uses this parameter to determine which management systems will communicate with the network system via system manager processes. The default value, *ALL, allows all management systems to communicate with the specified network system. In environments licensed for multiple management systems which also have numerous network systems, you may want to limit the number of management systems that communicate with a network system to reduce the amount of communications resources used by MIMIX system managers. It is recommended that you try the default environment first. In environments with multiple management systems, system manager processes between a management system and a network system must exist before data groups can be created between the systems. If you need to limit the communication resources, contact your Certified MIMIX Consultant for assistance in balancing MIMIX communication needs with available resources.
Journal manager delay time (JRNMGRDLY) This parameter defines the delay times used for all journal management jobs. The value of the journal manager delay parameter determines how often the journal manager process checks for work to perform.
Output queue values (OUTQ, HOLD, SAVE) These parameters identify an output queue used by this system definition and define characteristics of how the queue is handled. Any MIMIX functions that generate reports use this output queue. You can hold spooled files on the queue and save spooled files after they are printed.
Keep history (KEEPSYSHST, KEEPDGHST) Two parameters specify the number of days to retain MIMIX system history and data group history. MIMIX system history includes the system message log. Data group history includes time stamps and distribution history. You can keep both types of history information on the system for up to a year.
Keep notifications (KEEPNEWNFY, KEEPACKNFY) Two parameters specify the number of days to retain new and acknowledged notifications. The Keep new notifications (days) parameter specifies the number of days to retain new notifications in the MIMIX data library. The Keep acknowledged notifications (days) parameter specifies the number of days to retain acknowledged notifications in the MIMIX data library.
MIMIX data library, storage limit (KEEPMMXDTA, DTALIBASP, DSKSTGLMT) Three parameters define information about MIMIX data libraries on the system. The Keep MIMIX data (days) parameter specifies the number of days to retain objects in the MIMIX data library, including the container cache used by system journal replication processes. The MIMIX data library ASP parameter identifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) from which the system allocates storage for the MIMIX data library. For libraries created in a user ASP, all objects in the library must be in the same ASP as the library. The Disk storage limit (GB) parameter specifies the maximum amount of disk storage that may be used for the MIMIX data libraries.
User profile and job descriptions (SBMUSR, MGRJOBD, DFTJOBD) MIMIX runs under the MIMIXOWN user profile and uses several job descriptions to optimize MIMIX processes. The default job descriptions are stored in the MIMIXQGPL library.
Printing (CPI, LPI, FORMLEN, OVRFLW, COPIES) These parameters control characteristics of printed output.
Product library (PRDLIB) This parameter is used for installing MIMIX into a switchable independent ASP, and allows you to specify a MIMIX installation library that does not match the library name of the other system definitions. The only time this parameter should be used is in the case of an INTRA system or in replication environments where it is necessary to have extra MIMIX system definitions that will “switch locations” along with the switchable independent ASP. Due to its complexity, changing the product library is considered an advanced technique and should not be attempted without the assistance of a Certified MIMIX Consultant.
ASP group (ASPGRP) This parameter is used for installing MIMIX into a switchable independent ASP, and defines the ASP group (independent ASP) in which the product library exists. Again, this parameter should only be used in replication environments involving a switchable independent ASP. Due to its complexity, changing the ASP group is considered an advanced technique and should not be attempted without the assistance of a Certified MIMIX Consultant.