If you run other products that use the same journals on the same system as MIMIX, such as MIMIX® , Share™Assure iOptimize, or MIMIX® Director™, there may be considerations for journal receiver management.
MIMIX® Share™ : Although both MIMIX® Share™, and MIMIX® support receiver change management, you need to choose only one product to perform change management activities for a specific journal. If you choose MIMIX® Share™, your MIMIX journal definition should specify CHGMGT(*NONE). If you choose MIMIX, see change management for available options that can be specified in the journal definition, including system managed receivers.
If both products scrape from the same journal, perform delete management only from MIMIX® Share™. This will prevent MIMIX deleting receivers before MIMIX® Share™ is finished with them. The journal definition within MIMIX should specify DLTMGT(*NO).
Assure iOptimize or MIMIX® Director™: Both MIMIX® and either Assure iOptimize or MIMIX Director read journal receiver entries from the system (QAUDJRN) journal. Shipped default settings in journal definitions allow MIMIX to perform receiver delete management. When both products are used, it is recommended that you change the journal definition for QAUDJRN to specify a higher number for the Keep journal receiver count (KEEPRCVCNT) parameter. If the journal definition for QAUDJRN is set to prevent MIMIX from performing change or delete management, you must ensure that journal receivers are retained long enough for both products to complete their use.