Preferred target journal definition naming convention - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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When target journal definitions are created by the Create Data Group Definition (CRTDGDFN) command, they are created using the format sourcenn@R, where:

  • source is the first six characters from the journal name of the source journal definition.

  • nn is the two-character remote journal ID of the source system. MIMIX assigns each system in an installation a remote journal ID that cannot be changed.

  • @R identifies the name as being for the remote (target) journal of a local-remote journal pair.

If a journal definition name is already in use, the source is shortened to five characters and the sixth character will be assigned a numeric value.

The nn@R suffix is also used in the names of the target libraries for the journal, receivers, and threshold message queue.

This preferred naming convention for target journal definitions ensures that local and remote journal receivers will have unique names, as required by the IBM i remote journal function, and that target journal names are unique.

Changing or manually creating target journal definitions: If you manually create target journal definitions with the CRTJRNDFN command, it is recommended that you use the preferred naming convention. Implementing this convention in two-node environments simplifies any future transition to a three-or-more node environment and avoids having conflicting journal names.

If you change library values in a source journal definition before creating a data group which uses the journal definition, the target journal definition is created with the correct library names. Similarly, if you want multiple journals with the same name in different libraries, change the source journal name before creating a data group which uses that journal definition. However, if you change the journal name or any of the library values in a source journal definition after the data group which uses it exits, you must also change the library names in the target journal definition.

When implementing the naming convention, it is helpful to consider one source node at a time and create all the journal definitions necessary for replication from that source, as shown in the below table.

You can find the remote journal ID for a system by displaying the details of its system definition. System definitions that existed before MIMIX 7.1 were assigned an ID during the 7.1 installation. All new system definitions are assigned an ID in the order they are created.

Multimanagement environments: In environments that use multimanagement functions1,it is possible that each node that is a management system is also both a source and target for replication activity. The preferred naming convention helps you keep track of all the journaling environments needed for a switchable implementation of MIMIX. The following is strongly recommended:

  • Limit the data group name to six characters. This will simplify keeping an association between the data group name and the names of associated journal definitions by allowing space for the source node identifier within those names.

  • Allow the CRTDGDFN command to create the target journal definitions.

  • Once the appropriately named journal definitions are created for source and target systems, manually create the remote journal links between them (ADDRJLNK command).

1. Either a Assure MIMIX Global or Assure MIMIX for PowerHA license key is required for multi-management functions.