Journal definition considerations - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Consider the following as you create journal definitions for user journal replication environments that implement remote journaling:

  • The source journal definition identifies the local journal and the system on which the local journal exists. Similarly, the target journal definition identifies the remote journal and the system on which the remote journal exists. Therefore, the source journal definition identifies the source system of the remote journal process and the target journal definition identifies the target system of the remote journal process.

  • You can use an existing journal definition as the source journal definition to identify the local journal. However, using an existing journal definition for the target journal definition is not recommended. The existing definition is likely to be used for journaling and therefore is not appropriate as the target journal definition for a remote journal link.

  • MIMIX recognizes the receiver change management parameters (CHGMGT, THRESHOLD, TIME, RESETTHLD2 or RESETTHLD) specified in the source journal definition and ignores those specified in the target journal definition. When a new receiver is attached to the local journal, a new receiver with the same name is automatically attached to the remote journal. The receiver prefix specified in the target journal definition is ignored.

  • Each remote journal link defines a local-remote journal pair that functions in only one direction. Journal entries flow from the local journal to the remote journal. The direction of a defined pair of journals cannot be switched. If you want to use the RJ process in both directions for a switchable data group, you need to create journal definitions for two remote journal links (four journal definitions). For more information, see Journal definition naming conventions.

  • After the journal environment is built for a target journal definition, MIMIX cannot change the value of the target journal definition’s Journal receiver prefix (JRNRCVPFX) or Threshold message queue (MSGQ), and several other values. To change these values see the procedure in the IBM topic “Library Redirection with Remote Journals” in the  IBM eServer iSeries Information Center.

  • If you are configuring MIMIX for a scenario in which you have one or more target systems, there are additional considerations for the names of journal receivers. Each source journal definition must specify a unique value for the Journal receiver prefix (JRNRCVPFX) parameter. MIMIX ensures that the same prefix is not used more than once on the same system but cannot determine if the prefix is used on a target journal while it is being configured. If the prefix defined by the source journal definition is reused by target journals that reside in the same library and ASP, attempts to start the remote journals will fail with message CPF699A (Unexpected journal receiver found).

When you create a target journal definition instead of having it generated using the Add Remote Journal Link (ADDRJLNK) command, use the default value *GEN for the prefix name for the JRNRCVPFX on a target journal definition. The receiver name for source and target journals will be the same on the systems but will not be the same in the journal definitions. In the target journal, the prefix will be the same as that specified in the source journal definition.