Configuration processes that create journal definitions - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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You can explicitly create journal definitions using the Create Journal Definition (CRTJRNDFN) command. However, other configuration processes may automatically create them for you. Journal definitions created by other processes can be changed if necessary.

When you create system definitions, MIMIX automatically creates a journal definition named QAUDJRN for the security audit journal (QAUDJRN) on that system. The QAUDJRN journal, also called the system journal, is used by MIMIX system journal replication processes. If you do not already have a journaling environment for the security audit journal, it will be created when the first data group that replicates from the system journal is started.

When you create a data group definition, MIMIX automatically creates a user journal definition if one does not already exist. Any journal definitions that are created in this manner will be named with the value specified in the data group definition.

If the data group was created using default values, the user journal created will be used with IBM i remote journaling support. Creating a data group definition also creates a remote journal link which in turn creates the journal definition for the target journal. The target journal definition is created using values appropriate for remote journaling.

When system manager processes are started, MIMIX will create all the internal journal definitions and remote journal links necessary for all system managers in the installation if they do not already exist.

MIMIX can also automatically create journal definitions and other configuration when a create or restore journal transaction for a journal object (type *JRN) is processed by a data group that is configured for automatic configuration for journals. Any journal definitions that are created in this manner will be named with the value specified in the data group definition.