Changing the journaling environment to use *MAXOPT3 - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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This procedure changes journal definitions and builds the journaling environments necessary in order to use a journal with a receiver size option of *MAXOPT3.

Before you use this procedure, consider the following:

  • Determine which journal definitions must be changed. Table 37 identifies requirements according to the data group configuration.

  • Switchable data groups require that journal definitions be changed for both source and target journals.

  • A journal definition that is changed to use *MAXOPT3 support affects all data groups which use the journal definition.

  • When a journal definition for the system journal (QAUDJRN) is changed to use *MAXOPT3 support, any additional MIMIX installations on the same system must also use *MAXOPT3 support for the system journal. Doing so prevents sequence numbers from being reset unexpectedly. The additional MIMIX installations must be running version 6 or higher software and must have their journal definitions for the system journal changed to use *MAXOPT3 support.

  • The default value for the journal sequence reset threshold changes when using *MAXOPT3. If your sequence numbers will exceed 10 digits, updates must be made to use the MIMIX command and outfile fields that support sequence numbers with more than 10 digits. Updates should be made to any automation that uses journal sequence numbers with MIMIX and any journal receiver management exit programs or monitors with an event class (EVTCLS) of *JRN.

  • When the value *MAXOPT3 is used, the journal receivers cannot be saved and restored to systems with operating system releases earlier than V5R3M0.

    Table 1. Journal definitions to change when converting to *MAXOPT3.

    Data Group Configuration

    Journal Definitions to Change

    Replicates From Switchable  

    User journal with remote journaling


    Journal definition for normal source system (local)

    Journal definition for normal target system (remote, @R)

    Journal definition for switched source system (local)

    Journal definition for switched target system (remote, @R)


    Journal definition for source system (local)

    Journal definition for target system (remote, @R)

    User journal with MIMIX source-send processing


    Journal definition for source system

    Journal definition for target system

    No Journal definition for source system

    System journal (QAUDJRN)


    QAUDJRN journal definition for source system

    QAUDJRN journal definition for target system


    QAUDJRN journal definition for source system

Do the following:

  1. For data groups which use the journal definitions that will be changed, do the following:

    1. If commitment control is used, ensure that there are no open commit cycles.
    2. End replication in a controlled manner using topic “Ending a data group in a controlled manner” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book. Procedures within this topic will direct how to:

      • Prepare for a controlled end of a data group

      • Perform the controlled end - When ending, specify *ALL for the Process prompt and *CNTRLD for the End process prompt.

      • Confirm the end request completed without problems - This includes how to check for and resolve any open commits.

      Note: Resolve any open commits before continuing.
  2. From the management system, select option 11 (Configuration menu) on the MIMIX Main Menu. Then select option 3 (Work with journal definitions) to access the Work with Journal Definitions display.

  3. From the Work with Journal Definitions display, do the following to a journal definition:

    1. Type option 2 (Change) next to a journal definition and press Enter.
    2. Optionally, specify a value for the Reset large sequence threshold prompt. If no new value is specified, MIMIX will automatically use the default value associated the value you specify for the receiver size option in Step 3d.

    3. Press F10 (Additional parameters).

    4. At the Receiver size option prompt, specify *MAXOPT3.

    5. Press Enter.

    6. Repeat Step 3 for each of the journal definitions you need to change, as indicated in Table 37. After all the necessary journal definitions are changed, continue with the next step.

  4. From the Work with Journal Definitions display, type a 14 (Build) next to the journal definitions you changed and press Enter.

    Note: For remote journaling environments, only perform this step for a source journal definition. Building the environment for the source journal will automatically result in the building of the environment for the associated target journal definition.
  5. Verify that the changed journal definitions have appropriate values. Do the following:

    1. From the Work with Journal Definitions display, type a 5 (Display) next to each changed journal definition and press Enter.

    2. Verify that *MAXOPT3 is specified for the Receiver size option.

    3. Verify that the Reset large sequence threshold prompt contains the value you specified for Step 3b. If you did not specify a value, the value should be between 9901 and 18446640000000.

  6. Verify that the journals have been changed and now have appropriate values. Do the following:

    1. From the appropriate system (source or target), access the Work with Journal Definitions display. Then do the following:

      • From the source system, type 17 (Work with jrn attributes) next to a changed source journal definition and press Enter.

      • From the target system, type 17 (Work with jrn attributes) next to a changed target journal definition and press Enter.

    2. Verify that *MAXOPT3 is specified as one of the values for the Receiver size options field.

  7. Update any automation programs. Any programs that include journal sequence numbers must be changed to use the Reset large sequence threshold (RESETTHLD2) and the Receiver size option (RCVSIZOPT) parameters.

  8. Start the data groups using default values. Refer to topic “Starting selected data group processes” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book.