Understanding the data area format - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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This enhancement allows you to provide byte values for the block size to receive data from RCVJRNE, as well as specify the percentage of that block size to use for both a small delay block and a medium delay block in the data area. These values are added in segments to the string of characters used by the file attribute cache size. Each block segment is followed by a multiplier value, which determines how long the previously specified journal entry block is delayed. The duration of the delay is the multiplier value multiplied by the value specified on the Reader wait time (seconds) (RDRWAIT) parameter in the data group definition. The RDRWAIT default value is 1 second. The RCVJRNE block size is specified in kilobytes, ranging from 32 Kb to 4000 Kb. If not specified, the default size is 99,999 bytes (100 Kb -1).

The following defines each segment and includes the number of characters that particular segment can contain:

DTAARA VALUE(‘cache_size2, small_block_percentage2, small_multipler2, medium_block_percentage2, medium_multiplier2, block_size4’)

To illustrate the effect of specific delay and multiplier values, let us assume the following:

DTAARA VALUE(‘15,10,02,30,01,0200’)

In this example, a small block is defined as any journal entry block consisting of 10 percent of the RCVJRNE block size of 200 Kb, or 20,000 bytes. Assuming the RDRWAIT default is in effect, small journal entry blocks will be delayed for 2 seconds before the next RCVJRNE call. Similarly, a medium block is defined as any journal entry block containing between 10 and 30 percent of the RCVJRNE block size, between 20,001 and 60,000 bytes. Medium blocks are then delayed for 1 second assuming the default RDRWAIT value is used.

Note: Delays are not applied to blocks larger than the specified medium block percentage. In the previous example, no delays will be applied to blocks larger than 30 percent of the RCVJRNE block size, or 60,000 bytes.