MIMIX supports IBM’s High Availability Journal Performance IBM i option 42, Journal Standby feature and Journal caching. These high availability performance enhancements improve replication performance on the target system and provide significant performance improvement by eliminating the need to start journaling at switch time.
MIMIX support of IBM’s high availability performance enhancements consists of two independent components: journal standby state and journal caching. These components work individually or together, but are enabled separately.
Journal caching enables the system to cache journal entries and their corresponding database records into main storage and write to disks only as necessary. Journal caching is particularly helpful during batch operations when large numbers of add, update, and delete operations against journaled objects are performed.
Journal standby state can only be used in data groups configured for single-threaded database apply processing. Journal caching can be used in any data group that supports user journal replication. For restrictions of MIMIX support of IBM’s high availability performance enhancements, see Restrictions of high availability journal performance enhancements.