Adding or changing a data group object entry - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Use these instructions to manually add a new data group object entry or change an existing data group object entry.

Note: If you are converting a data group to use user journal replication for data areas or data queues, use these instructions when directed by Checklist: Change *DTAARA, *DTAQ, IFS objects to user journaling.

From the management system, do the following to add a new data group object entry or change an existing entry:

  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, type a 1 (Work with data groups) and press Enter.

  2. From the Work with Data Groups display, type a 20 (Object entries) next to the data group you want and press Enter.

  3. The Work with DG Object Entries display appears. Do one of the following:

    • To add a new entry, type a 1 (Add) next to the blank line at the top of the list and press Enter.

    • To change an existing entry, type a 2 (Change) next to the entry you want and press Enter.

  4. The appropriate Data Group Object Entry display appears. When adding an entry, you must specify values for the System 1 library and System 1 object prompts.

    Note: When changing an existing object entry to enable replication of data areas or data queues from a user journal (COOPDB(*YES)), make sure that you specify only the objects you want to enable for the System 1 object prompt. Otherwise, all objects in the library specified for System 1 library will be enabled.
  5. If necessary, specify a value for the Object type prompt.

  6. Press F9 (All parameters).

  7.  If necessary, specify values for the Attribute, System 2 library, System 2 object, and Object auditing value prompts.

  8. At the Process type prompt, specify whether resulting data group object entries should include (*INCLD) or exclude (*EXCLD) the identified objects.

  9. Specify appropriate values for the Cooperate with database and Cooperating object types prompts.

    Note: These prompts determine how *FILE, *DTAARA, and *DTAQ objects are replicated. Change the values if you want to explicitly replicate from the system journal or if you want to limit which object types are cooperatively processed with the user journal.
  10. Press Page Down.

  11. Ensure that the remaining prompts contain the values you want for the data group object entries that will be created.

    • Omit content - If necessary, specify the object types for which a subset of operations will be omitted from replication.

    • Replicate jobs on job queue - If necessary, specify whether jobs on replicated job queues will also be replicated.

    • Replicate spooled files - If necessary, specify whether to replicate spooled files for objects identified for replication by the object entry.Note: When *YES is specified, you can also further identify which spooled files to replicate in the Spooled file criteria prompts and specify values for Keep deleted spooled files and Spooled file options.

    • Object retrieval delay - If necessary, you can specify to delay packaging an object to allow applications time to complete their access to an object.

    • User profile status.- If necessary, you can specify status that will be used on the target system for any replicated user profiles.

    • Repl. user profile used date - If necessary, you can specify whether to replicate the Last Used attribute of any user profile replicated by the object entry.

  12. If there are library (*LIB) objects to replicate and you do not want them replicated to the same auxiliary storage pool (ASP) or independent ASP device on each system, specify values for System 1 library ASP number, System 1 library ASP device, System 2 library ASP number, and System 2 library ASP device prompts.

  13. To specify file entry options that will override those set in the data group definition, do the following:

    1. If necessary, press Page Down to locate the File and tracking entry options (FEOPT) prompts.

    2. Specify the values you need for the elements of the File and tracking entry options prompts.

      Note: Note:When adding or changing object entries in a data group that uses multithreaded database apply processing, values for the following file entry options cannot be changed: Replication type, Lock member during apply, Apply session, Disable triggers during apply, and Process trigger entries.
  14. If necessary, specify a value for the Attributes to ignore prompt. This parameter allows auditing to ignore detected attribute differences to streamline environments that use non-switchable data groups and data groups whose target node is a replicate node of an application group. For other configurations, this parameter is ignored.

  15. If the changes you specify on the command result in adding objects into the replication name space, those objects need to be synchronized between systems. At the Synchronize on start prompt, specify the value for how synchronization will occur:

    • The default value is *NO. Use this value when you will use save and restore processes to manually synchronize the objects. If you do not synchronize before replication starts, the next audit that checks all objects (scheduled or manually invoked) will attempt to synchronize the objects if recoveries are enabled and differences are found.

    • The value *YES will request to synchronize any objects added to the replication names pace through the system journal replication processes. This may temporarily cause threshold conditions in replication processes.

  16. Press Enter.

  17. If you were directed to these instructions by Checklist: Change *DTAARA, *DTAQ, IFS objects to user journaling, return to Step 7 of the checklist to proceed with the additional steps necessary to complete the conversion for data area and data queue replication.

  18. If the added object entry identifies *FILE objects for user journal replication, you must load data group file entries. Use Loading file entries .

  19. If the added object entry identifies *DTAARA or *DTAQ objects for user journal replication, you must create object tracking entries. Use Loading object tracking entries.

  20. Manually synchronize the objects identified by this data group object entry before starting replication processes. You can skip this step if you specified *YES in Step 15. The entries will be available to replication processes after the data group is ended and restarted. The next time an audit that checks all objects runs, the entries will be available and the MIMIX audits will attempt to synchronize the objects they identify if recoveries are enabled.