Loading file entries from a data group’s object entries - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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This topic contains examples and a procedure. The examples illustrate the flexibility available for loading file entry options.

Example - Load from the same data group This example illustrates how to create file entries when converting a data group to use default cooperative processing for files (MIMIX Dynamic Apply). In this example, data group DGDFN1 is being converted. The data group definition specifies *SYS1 as its data source (DTASRC). However, in this example, file entries will be loaded from the target system to take advantage of a known synchronization point at which replication will later be started.


Since no value was specified for FROMDGDFN, its default value *DGDFN causes the file entries to load from existing object entries for DGDFN1. The value *SYS2 for LODSYS causes this example configuration to load from its target system. Entries are added (UPDOPT(*ADD) to the existing configuration. Since all files identified by object entries are wanted, SELECT(*NO) bypasses the selection list. The data group file entries for DGDFN1 created have file entry options which match those found in the object entries because no values were specified for FEOPTSRC or FEOPT parameters.    

Example - Load from another data group with mixed sources for file entry options The file entries for data group DGDFN1 are created by loading from the object entries for data group DGDFN2, with file entry options loaded from multiple sources. The specified data group, DGDFN1, is configured for single-threaded database apply processing.


The data group file entries created for DGDFN1 are loaded from the configuration information in the object entries for DGDFN2, with file entry options coming from multiple sources. Because the command specified the first element (Journal image) and third element (Replication type) of the file entry options (FEOPT) as *CFGSRC, the resulting file entries have the same values for those elements as the data group object entries for DGDFN2. Because the command specified the second element (Omit open/close entries) and the fourth element (Lock member during apply) as *DGDFT, these elements are loaded from the data group definition. The rest of the file entry options are loaded from the configuration source (object entries for DGDFN2).

Note: If DGDFN1 is configured for multithreaded database apply processing, the file entry options in the resulting file entries would be as follows:
  • The first element (Journal image) value is loaded from the object entries for DGDFN2.

  • The second element (Omit open/close entries) value is from data group DGDFN1.

  • The third (Replication type) and the fourth (Lock member during apply) elements are set to *DGDFT because the values specified on the command both resolve to this required value for multithreading.

  • Although not specified on the command, the rest of the file entry options are set as follows: element five (Apply session) is set to B and elements seven (Disable triggers during apply) and eight (Process trigger entries) are set to *DGDFT because of multithreading, and element six (Collision resolution) is loaded from the configuration source (object entries for DGDFN2)

Procedure: Use this procedure to create data group file entries from the object entries defined to a data group.

Note: The data group must be ended before using this procedure. Configuration changes resulting from loading file entries are not effective until the data group is restarted.

From the management system, do the following:

  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, type a 1 (Work with data groups) and press Enter.

  2. From the Work with Data Groups display, type a 17 (File entries) next to the data group you want and press Enter.

  3. The Work with DG File Entries display appears. Press F19 (Load).

  4. The Load Data Group File Entries (LODDGFE) display appears. The name of the data group for which you are creating file entries and the Configuration source value of *DGOBJE are pre-selected. Press Enter.

  5. The following prompts appear on the display. Specify appropriate values.

    1. From data group definition - To load from entries defined to a different data group, specify the three-part name of the data group.

    2. Load from system - Ensure that the value specified is appropriate. For most environments, files should be loaded from the source system of the data group you are loading. (This value should be the same as the value specified for Data source in the data group definition.)

    3. Update option - If necessary, specify the value you want.

    4. Default FE options source - Specify the source for loading values for default file entry options. Each element in the file entry options is loaded from the specified location unless you explicitly specify a different value for an element in Step 6 or the element requires a predetermined value because the data group uses multithreading.

  6. Optionally, you can specify a file entry option value to override those loaded from the configuration source. Do the following:

    1. Press F10 (Additional parameters).

    2. Specify values as needed for the elements of the File entry options prompts. Any values you specify will be used for all of the file entries created with this procedure.

    3. If necessary, specify a value for the Attributes to ignore prompt. This parameter allows auditing to ignore detected attribute differences to streamline environments that use non-switchable data groups and data groups whose target node is a replicate node of an application group. For other configurations, this parameter is ignored.

  7. Press Enter. The LODDGFE Entry Selection List display appears with a list of the files identified by the specified configuration source.

  8. Either type a 1 (Load) next to the files that you want or Press F21 (Select all).

  9. To create the file entries, press Enter.

All selected files identified from the configuration source are represented in the resulting file entries. Each generated file entry includes all members of the file. If necessary, you can use Changing a data group file entry to customize values for any of the data group file entries.