Loading file entries - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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If you need to create data group file entries for many files, you can have MIMIX create the entries for you using the Load Data Group File Entries (LODDGFE) command. The Configuration source (CFGSRC) parameter supports loading from a variety of sources, listed below in order most commonly used:

  • *DGOBJE - File entry information is loaded from the information in data group object entries configured for the data group. If you are configuring to use either default or legacy cooperative processing, this value is recommended.

  • *NONE - File entry information is loaded from a library on either the source or target system, as determined by the values specified for System 1 library (LIB1), System 2 library (LIB2), and Load from system (LODSYS) parameters.

  • *JRNDFN - File entry information is loaded from a journal specified in the journal definition associated with the specified data group. File entries will be created for all files currently journaled to the journal specified in the journal definition.

  • *DGFE - File entry information is loaded from data group file entries defined to another data group. This option supports loading from data groups at the previous release or the current release on the same system. This value is typically used when loading file entries from a data group in a different installation of MIMIX.

When the configuration source (CFGSRC) on the load request specifies *NONE, *DGFE, or *JRNDFN, the resulting file entries will use the data group’s values for file entry options unless you explicitly specify values on the File entry options (FEOPT) parameter that will override the data group values.

When the configuration source is *DGOBJE, you can use the Default FE options source (FEOPTSRC) parameter to specify whether to load values for file entry options from the configuration source (*CFGSRC, which would be from the object entries) or from the data group (*DGDFT). You can also selectively specify values on the File entry options (FEOPT) parameter to be used instead.

Regardless of what configuration source you specify, when the specified data group is configured for multithreaded database apply processing, the elements of the File entry options (FEOPT) parameter required for multithreading can only specify values that are or resolve to required values for multithreading. In a multithreaded data group, the file entries resulting from a load request will have these required values: Apply session option is set to B and Replication type, Lock member during apply, Disable triggers during apply, and Process trigger entries are set to *DGDFT.

Regardless of where the configuration source and file entry option source are located, the Load Data Group File Entries (LODDGFE) command must be used from a system designated as a management system.

Note: The Load Data Group File Entries (LODDGFE) command performs a journal verification check on the file entries using the Verify Journal File Entries (VFYJRNFE) command. In order to accurately determine whether files are being journaled to the target system, you should first perform a save and restore operation to synchronize the files to the target system before loading the data group file entries.