Loading DLO entries from a folder - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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If you need to create data group DLO entries for a group of documents within a folder, you can specify information so that MIMIX will create the data group DLO entries for you. (You can customize individual entries later, if necessary.)

The user profile you use to perform this task must be enrolled in the system distribution directory on the management system.

Note: The MIMIXOWN user profile is automatically added to the system directory when MIMIX is installed. This entry is required for DLO replication and should not be removed.

From the management system, do the following to create DLO entries by loading from a list.

  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, type a 1 (Work with data groups) and press Enter.

  2. From the Work with Data Groups display, type a 21 (DLO entries) next to the data group you want and press Enter.

  3. The Work with DG DLO Entries display appears. Press F19 (Load).

  4. The Load DG DLO Entries (LODDGDLOE) display appears. Do the following to specify the selection criteria:

    1. Identify the documents to be considered. Specify values for the System 1 folder and System 1 document prompts.

    2. If necessary, specify values for the Owner, System 2 folder, System 2 object, and Object auditing value prompts.

    3. At the Process type prompt, specify whether resulting data group DLO entries should include or exclude the identified documents

    4. If necessary, specify a value for the Object retrieval delay prompt.

    5. If you want to process the load request in batch, specify *YES for the Submit to batch prompt.

    6. Press Enter.

    7. If necessary, specify a value for the Attributes to ignore prompt. This parameter allows auditing to ignore detected attribute differences to streamline environments that use non-switchable data groups and data groups whose target node is a replicate node of an application group. For other configurations, this parameter is ignored.

    8. Press Enter.

  5. Additional prompts appear to optionally use batch processing and to load entries without load without selecting entries from a list. Press Enter.

  6. The Load DG DLO Entries display appears with the list of document that matched your selection criteria. Either type a 1 (Select) next to the documents you want or press F21 (Select all). Then press Enter.

  7. If necessary, you can use Adding or changing a data group DLO entry to customize values for any of the data group DLO entries.

Synchronize the DLOs identified by data group entries before starting replication processes or running MIMIX audits. The entries will be available to replication processes after the data group is ended and restarted. The entries will be available to MIMIX audits the next time an audit runs.