Adding an IFS directory to an existing data group - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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These instructions describe how to create the configuration necessary to add an IFS directory to replication for a data group, synchronize the directory and its contents, and make the configuration changes effective.

If you started the process of adding selection rules for a new directory from the Assure UI portal and chose the option to manually synchronize, you can also use these instructions to complete configuration and synchronize the directory.


  • Before you begin these instructions, consider the types of objects within the directory to be added and how frequently they change and whether you need to replicate all contents of the directory or just the directory object (*DIR). This will help you in selecting the appropriate value for the Cooperate with database (COOPDB) parameter in the commands in Step 3.

  • Perform the instructions from a management system unless otherwise directed. These instructions are intended to be used without delays between steps.

  • These instructions assume the following:

  • The directory to be added is located on the system specified as system 1 in the three-part data group name.

  • The data group to which the directory will be added is configured using best practices in which IFS objects are cooperatively processed through the user journal. Specifically, the data group should specify the following values: *ALL for Data group type (TYPE), *YES for Use remote journal link (RJLNK), and *USRJRN for Cooperative journal (COOPJRN).

  • For some configurations, you may be able to skip steps in these instructions. If the data group type is *OBJ, you do not need IFS tracking entries. For data groups of type *ALL, if the IFS entries you create in Step 3 specify COOPDB(*NO), you do not need IFS tracking entries. If either of these scenarios apply, you can skip steps Step 4, Step 5, Step 6, and Step 13.

  • Some steps in these instructions use an advanced user technique that combines specifying an option on a display, using a repeat function key, and specifying parameters on the command line to be passed to the option so that the same action is performed for all items in the list. Be sure to read each step in its entirety before taking action.

Do the following from the management system:

Steps to ensure replication is ended.

  1. Perform a controlled end of the data group using the command:

  2. Display the data group and verify that its replication processes become inactive (red I) using the command:

    WRKDG DGDFN(dgname)

    The RJ link, reported in Source DB column of the Work with Data Groups display, can remain active.

    Steps to create configuration.

  3. Use the following commands to create two data group IFS entries, one for the directory itself, and one for its contents. (If you were directed here from the Assure UI portal when creating directory selection rules and chose to synchronize manually, you can skip Step 3.)

    Note: Consider the types of objects you have within the directory and how frequently they change when selecting a value for the COOPDB parameter in the following commands.*YES - The directories and objects are journaled, which allows more efficient replication processing for frequent changes. This is best suited for use with objects that change frequently.*NO - Processing occurs only through system journal replication. This is appropriate for objects that do not change frequently, such as images. This is the default. If you use this value, you should skip the steps below that are associated with IFS tracking entries.

    The following commands create configuration for all object types within an IFS directory. If you want to replicate only directory objects, specify *DIR for OBJTYPE instead of *ALL.

    ADDDGIFSE DGDFN(dgname) OBJ1('/directory-name') OBJTYPE(*ALL) COOPDB(value)
    ADDDGIFSE DGDFN(dgname) OBJ1('/directory-name/*') OBJTYPE(*ALL) COOPDB(value)
  4. Create data group IFS tracking entries for the objects in the directory using the command:

  5. Before continuing, confirm the job ran successfully using the command:


    Steps to start journaling on source.

  6. This step must be performed from the source system of the data group.

    1. Use the following command to display IFS tracking entries created for objects and subdirectories in the directory:

      WRKDGIFSTE DGDFN(dgname) OBJ1('/directory-name*')
    2. Type 9 (Start journaling) next to the first tracking entry. Do not press Enter.

    3. Press F13 (Repeat).

    4. On the command line type the following:

    5. Press Enter.

    Steps that temporarily change environment while synchronizing. These steps prevent MIMIX from attempting to use audits and recoveries that would otherwise attempt actions that may not be desired when manually synchronizing the library.
  7. Identify and record current policy values for the data group by doing the following:

    1. Type the following command and press F4 (Prompt):

      SETMMXPCY DGDFN(dgname)
    2. Press Enter to display the current values. Record the values displayed for the following fields:
    • Automatic object recovery

    • Automatic database recovery

    • Automatic audit recovery

  8. Disable automatic recoveries for the data group using the following command:


    Steps to synchronize the directory. If the directory is too large for the SYNCIFS command, you will need to use media to save/restore the directory from one system to another instead of the steps in this subsection.

  9. Verify that there is no user activity on the IFS directory on the source system. There should be no locks on the objects in the directory on the source or target system.

  10. From the source system, synchronize the directory using the following command:

    SYNCIFS OBJ(('/directory-name' *ALL) SYS2(target-system-name)
  11. Verify the job has completed using the command:


    Do not continue until the job has completed.

    Steps to start journaling on target.

  12. Start the data group using the command:

  13. This step must be performed from a management (*MGT) system:

    1. Use the following command to display IFS tracking entries created for objects and subdirectories in the directory:

      WRKDGIFSTE DGDFN(dgname) OBJ1('/directory-name*')
    2. Type 9 (Start journaling) next to the first tracking entry. Do not press Enter.

    3. Press F13 (Repeat).

    4. On the command line type the following:

    5. Press Enter.

    Steps to return environment for normal operations. Perform these steps from the management system when replication activity for that data group is caught up.
  14. End the data group using the command:

  15. Set automatic recovery policies for the data group back to their previous values. Use the values recorded in Step 7 in the following command:

    SETMMXPCY DGDFN(dgname) OBJRCY(value) DBRCY(value) AUDRCY(value)
  16. Display the data group and verify that its replication processes become inactive (red I) using the command:

    WRKDG DGDFN(dgname)

    The RJ link, reported in Source DB column of the Work with Data Groups display, can remain active.

  17. Start the data group using the command: