System settings and system values replication overview - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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After installing or upgrading to MIMIX service pack or higher, data groups have the capability of replicating system settings or system values that are identified within selection rules (data group object entries). When configured selection rules exist, replication occurs by capturing the identified data from the source node on a regular interval and using the configured apply method. Data group configuration determines whether the captured data is immediately applied to the target node or placed in a staging library on the target node so that it can be applied in the event of a switch.

The System settings replication (REPSYSSET) parameter in the data group definition controls the capture interval and the apply method used when the data group is active.

  • Capture Interval - The default value, Daily (*DAILY), requests a capture each day shortly after midnight. You can also specify the interval as a number of hours ranging from 1 through 999.

  • Apply method - The default value, Stage on Target (*STAGED), keeps the captured information in a staging library on the target node. During a switch, the last staged value of each captured setting or system value is applied to the target node. You can also specify Apply Immediately On Target (*IMMED) to have the captured information immediately applied to the target node.

Object replication performs capture requests when the data group is started and at the specified interval, and generates U-MX journal entries of sub-type of RS (Replicate system settings) into the system journal for the configured system settings and system values.

In the resulting activity entries, the Retrieve timestamp identifies when the actual capture occurred. When the data group configuration uses the staged apply method, the journal entry is staged for later processing instead of applied to the actual object on the target node, and the Apply timestamp indicates when staging on the target node has been completed.

A failed activity entry for a replicated setting or system value can be manually retried.