Configuring system values for replication - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Important! Replicating system values may have a significant impact on the performance and behavior of the target node. Before you proceed, ensure you have determined which system values are safe to replicate in your environment.

MIMIX supports replication of a subset of the system values available on IBM i systems. MIMIX does not replicate all of the values included in IBM’s groups for *ALC, *STG or *SYSCTL. Examples of system values not supported by MIMIX are those that would change the date and time, the serial number, or that require a restricted state to apply the system value to the target system. See Supported system values for details.

To configure system values for replication, do the following from a management system:

  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, type a 1 (Work with data groups) and press Enter.

  2. From the Work with Data Groups display, type a 20 (Object entries) next to the data group you want and press Enter.

  3. The Work with DG Object Entries display appears. Type a 1 (Add) next to the blank line at the top of the list and press Enter.

  4. The Add Data Group Object Entry display appears. Do the following:

    1. For the System 1 library prompt, specify *SYSSET.

    2. For the System 1 object prompt, you must specify a special value that represents a group of system values, or the name of a supported system value. See the table in Supported system values for a list of possible values.

    3. For the Object type prompt, specify *SYSVAL.

  5. Press Enter.

    The data group must be stopped and restarted to make the configuration changes available to replication processes.