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Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
First publish date

Object auditing value considerations - A data area, data queue, or file must have an object auditing value of *CHANGE or *ALL in order for any T-ZC journal entries resulting from a change operation to be created in the system journal.

Default values for selection rules (data group object entries) will cooperatively process *FILE, *DTAARA, and *DTAQ objects and will not change the object auditing value of those objects to match a higher configured value for object auditing level.

To ensure that changes to the object or file continue to be journaled and processed by system journal replication, the data group object entry should also specify a value other than *NONE for the Object auditing value (OBJAUD) parameter. The default value is *CHANGE.

When starting replication processes after a configuration change, MIMIX evaluates the object auditing value of all configured library-based objects. If the configured value is higher than the object’s actual value, MIMIX will change the object to use the higher value. If you use the SETDGAUD command to force objects in a data group to have an auditing level of *NONE and a selection rule (data group object entry) also specifies an auditing value of *NONE, any changes to *FILE, *DTAARA, or *DTAQ objects identified by that rule (entry) will no longer generate T-ZC entries in the system journal.

Note: When you configure a selection rule (data group object entry) to omit the content of *DTAARA objects, MIMIX will not change the auditing value of *DTAARA objects identified by that rule because replication processing will omit all T-ZC journal entries for those *DTAARA objects.

For more information about object auditing, see Managing object auditing values of objects eligible for replication.

Object attribute considerations for *FILE objects - When MIMIX evaluates a system journal entry and finds a possible match to a data group object entry which specifies an attribute in its Attribute (OBJATR) parameter, MIMIX must retrieve the attribute from the object in order to determine which object entry is the most specific match.

If the object attribute is not needed to determine the most specific match to a data group object entry, it is not retrieved.

After determining which data group object entry has the most specific match, MIMIX evaluates that entry to determine how to proceed with the journal entry. When the matching object entry specifies *FILE or *MBR for OMTDTA, MIMIX does not need to consider the object attribute in any other evaluations. As a result, the performance of the object send job may improve.