Configuring a data group object entry to omit T-ZC content - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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These instructions create a single data group object entry to identify objects whose content will be omitted from system journal replication. These instructions assume that you have other data group object entries configured to replicate the library and other objects within it so this entry can be as specific as needed to identify only the objects that require omitting content from system journal replication.

To configure a data group object entry to omit T-ZC contents, do the following:

  1. From a command line on a management system, enter the command:

  2. Specify the three-part name of the Data group definition to which the object entry will be added.

  3. Be as specific as possible when specifying values for the following prompts that identify the objects to be replicated with content omitted. Specifying an object name, generic object name, or a specific object type to identify a subset of objects within the library is recommended.

    1. Specify the name of the library in which the objects are located at the System 1 library prompt.

    2. Specify a value for the System 1 object prompt.

    3. Specify a value for the Object type prompt.

  4. Press Enter.

  5. At the Object auditing value prompt, specify a value other than *NONE.

  6. You must change the value of either the Cooperative with database prompt or the Cooperating object types prompt to values that are compatible with omitting content.

    • If the data group entry is limited to an object type eligible for omitting content Step 3c, specify *NO for the Cooperate with database prompt.

    • If the data group entry selects all object types Step 3c, change the value of the Cooperating object types prompt so that it does not specify the value *DFT or any of the object types for which you want to omit content.

  7. At the Omit content prompt, specify the object types for which you want to omit content. You can specify multiple values, but cannot specify both *FILE and *MBR.

  8. Press Enter.

  9. To make the changes effective, end and restart the data group.