When the SETIDCOLA command is useful - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Important! The SETIDCOLA command should not be used in all environments. Its use is subject to the limitations described in SETIDCOLA command limitations. If you cannot use the SETIDCOLA command, see Alternative solutions.

When the MIMIX apply job is running, the next value setting for identity columns is retained internally within the apply job. The next value setting is correctly adjusted when the apply job ends normally. SETIDCOLA can be used in situations when this setting needs to be manually corrected.

Examples of when you may need to run the SETIDCOLA command are:

  • The SETIDCOLA command can be used to determine whether a data group replicates tables which contain identity columns and report the results. To do so, specify ACTION(*CHECKONLY) on the command. It is recommended that you initially use this capability before setting values. You may want to perform this type of check whenever new tables are created that might contain identity columns. See Checking for replication of tables with identity columns.

  • If a Save While Active (SAVACT) is performed on the target system, the image on the save media will not have the correct settings for the identity column’s next value. If these files are restored to be used as production files, SETIDCOLA  should be performed to assure the next value settings are correct.

  • If a target apply job fails unexpectedly (or is ended using the ENDJOB command) and the files on the target are subsequently used for production, SETIDCOLA should be performed prior to starting production activity. For example, if the apply job ends abnormally and the source system becomes unavailable, the target system may be required for production.

Also, the SETIDCOLA command is needed in any environment in which you are attempting to restore from a save that was created while replication processes were running.