To create a collision resolution class, do the following:
From the Work with CR Classes display, type a
(Create) next to the blank line at the top of the display and press Enter. -
The Create Collision Res. Class (CRTCRCLS) display appears. Specify a name at the Collision resolution class prompt.
At each of the collision point prompts on the display, specify the value for the type of collision resolution processing you want to use. Press F1 (Help) to see a description of the collision point.
Note: You can specify more than one method of collision resolution for each prompt by typing a + (plus sign) at the prompt. With the exception of the *HLDERR method, the methods are attempted in the order you specify. If the first method you specify does not successfully resolve the collision, then the next method is run. *HLDERR is always the last method attempted. If all other methods fail, the member is placed on hold due to error. -
Press Page Down to see additional prompts.
At each of the collision point prompts on the second display, specify the value for the type of collision resolution processing you want to use.
If you specified *EXITPGM at any of the collision point prompts, specify the name and library of program to use at the Exit point prompt.
At the Number of retry attempts prompt, specify the number of times to try to automatically synchronize a file. If this number is exceeded in the time specified in the Retry time limit, the file will be placed on hold due to error
At the Retry time limit prompt, specify the number of maximum number of hours to retry a process if a failure occurs due to a locking condition or an in-use condition.
Note: If a file encounters repeated failures, an error condition that requires manual intervention is likely to exist. Allowing excessive synchronization requests can cause communications bandwidth degradation and negatively impact communications performance. -
To create the collision resolution class, press Enter.