Checklist: Converting to multithreading - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Use this checklist to convert the configuration of one or more resource groups in an application group to values required for multithreaded database apply processing.

Important! Before starting the conversion process, determine whether there are any limitations that would require pre-conversion changes to your environment or that would prevent you from using multithreading for a resource group. See Multithreaded restrictions and limitations.

We recommend that you perform an eligibility-only check before starting the conversion so that you can address any potential issues before starting the conversion. Use Checking multithreading eligibility without converting.

The instructions in this checklist use menu options to invoke the Convert RG for Multithreading (CVTRG) command. The conversion request does the following:

  • If you specify multiple resource groups to convert, each resource group is processed independently. Resource groups whose data groups are already configured for multithreading are not processed.

  • Before starting the actual conversion, MIMIX first verifies that the data groups and data group entries associated with a specified resource group meet requirements for conversion. For details, see Multithreading requirements checked by the conversion process.

  • If any data group within a specified resource group does not meet conversion requirements, that resource group is not converted.

  • After multithreading requirements are successfully checked for all specified resource groups, the conversion process changes the configuration as indicated in Table 34.

  • If a data group meets conversion requirements but fails to convert, all configuration changes for other data groups in the same resource group are reverted.

The CVTRG command runs interactively. The time needed to perform a conversion depends on the number of data group object entries and file entries associated with the selected resource groups.

While the CVTRG command is running, do not switch the application groups associated with the resource groups, and do not change the data group definitions or their selection rules (entries).

You can optionally save pre-conversion configuration data if you want the option of using it to convert back to your existing single-threaded configuration. If you choose the option to save configuration data, the saved data is kept for the specified number of days before being automatically deleted. Saved data consists of affected data groups, object entries, and file entries. You can change how long this data is saved after the conversion, too. Also, the following actions will discard the saved configuration data: converting back to single-threading, performing a planned or unplanned switch, deleting the data group, resource group, or application group, and renaming or moving a data group to a different resource group.

Table 1. Configuration values changed by a conversion to multithreaded database apply processing.

Journal definitions associated with data groups in the resource group are set to the value *YES for Target journal inspection (TGTJRNINSP).

Data group definitions within the resource group are set as follows:

  • The Number of DB apply sessions (NBRDBAPY) is set to either *THDLOW, *THDMED, or *THDHIGH. The value is determined by evaluating the current configuration.

  • Journal on target (JRNTGT) is set to *YES.

  • These elements of File and tracking ent. opts (FEOPT) are set as follows:- Lock member during apply is set to *NONE.- Apply sessions is set to *ALL.- Disable triggers during apply is set to *YES.- Process trigger entries is set to *YES.

  • These elements of Database Apply processing options (DBAPYPRC) are set as follows:- Commit mode is set to *IMMED.- Manage constraints on target is set to *YES.

All configured data group object and file entries for the converted data groups have the following elements of File and tracking ent. opts (FEOPT) set as follows:

  • Replication type is set to *DGDFT.

  • Lock member during apply is set to *DGDFT.

  • Apply session is set to *DGDFT in objects entries and to ‘B’ in file entries.

  • Disable triggers during apply is set to *DGDFT.

  • Process trigger entries is set to *DGDFT.


To convert an application group or resource group to multithreading, do the following:

  1. From a command line on a management system, enter the command:

  2. From the Work with Application Groups display, do one of the following:

    • If you plan to convert all or more than one eligible resource groups in an application group, continue with Step 3.

    • If you plan to convert only one resource group, type 13 (Data resource groups) next to the appropriate application group and press Enter. This will access the Work with Data Rsc. Grp. Ent. display. Unless these Instructions indicate otherwise, steps for converting an individual resource group are the same as for an application group.

  3. Next to the application group or resource group to be converted, type 10 (End) and press Enter. This will start a controlled end of replication processes.

    Wait for the End procedure to complete.

  4. If you are converting an application group, type 13 (Data resource groups) next to it and press Enter.

  5. Verify the resource groups are ended. On the Work with Data Rsc. Grp. Ent. display, resource groups that ended will have a status of *INACTIVE in the Replication Status column.

  6. For a resource group being converted, type 8 (Data groups) next to the resource group and press Enter to access its data groups.

  7. Default values on the conversion request will check for the existence of open commit cycles and prevent the conversion if any are present. Optionally, you can use this step to manually check each data group associated with a resource group being converted to check for open commit cycles before starting the conversion process. To manually check each data group listed, do the following:
    1. Type 8 (display status) and press Enter.
    2. Press F8 (Database) to access the Data Group Detail Status display.
    3. For each apply session listed in the Target Statistics section, verify that the value shown in the Open Commit column at the right side of the display is *NO.
    Note: If there are open commit cycles (*YES) for any data group associated with the conversion, you have the following options:
    • Address the open commit cycles using topic “Confirming the end request completed without problems” in the Assure MIMIX Operations book. Then start these instructions again from the first step.

    • Postpone the conversion to a different time when applications can be ended or when activity is slow enough that you can end replication without having open commit activity. Then start these instructions again from the first step.

    • If you cannot close all open commits and do not have a time when commit activity is minimal, you can continue with the conversion and specify to have the conversion process discard open commits. If you choose this option, you must also run audits to repair any not-synchronized conditions after the conversion completes.

  8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each resource group that you want to convert.

  9. Press F12 (Cancel) as needed to return to the Work with Work with Application Groups display. (If you are converting a single resource group, return to the Work with Data Rsc. Grp. Ent. display.)

  10. To start the conversion process, do one of the following:

    • To convert all eligible resource groups in an application group, type 32 (Convert to multithreading) next to the application group and press Enter.

    Note: To convert a subset of the eligible resource groups in an application group type 32 and press F4 (Prompt) instead of Enter. If you do this, you will not see the confirmation display in Step 11. However, you will be able to specify multiple resource groups in Step 12.
    • To convert a single resource group, type 32 (Convert to multithreading) next to the resource group and press Enter.

  11. The Conf. Convert to Multithread display appears. Press Enter to confirm your selection.

  12. The Convert RG for Multithreading (CVTRG) display appears, showing the selected resource groups and application group.

    Note: You can only change the Resource group prompt if you prompted the option as described in Step 10.
  13. The Number of days to save config. prompt determines how long MIMIX keeps information about the current configuration in an internal format before it is automatically removed. This information can be useful if you anticipate needing to convert back to single-threading. If needed, specify a different value.

  14. The Open commit handling prompt determines how the conversion process handles any open commit cycles. The recommended value is *FAIL. However, if you cannot resolve open commits or cannot perform the conversion during a time when commit activity is minimal, you can specify *DISCARD, which will identify files with open commit activity for automatic recovery processing, discard the open commit cycles, and allow the conversion to continue.

  15. The Output prompt defaults to *NONE. If you want to have the current configuration of the affected data groups and their object and file entries sent to a spooled file, an output file, or both before the resource group is converted, change the value as follows:

    • If you specify *BOTH, when you press Enter, additional prompts appear that control how the spooled files and output files are identified.

    • If you specify *PRINT, the current configuration will be printed to a spooled file. When you press Enter, the User data prompt appears and you can optionally specify a character string to use for identifying the spooled output.

    • If you specify *OUTFILE, the current configuration will be directed to database files. When you press Enter, these additional fields appear:

      • The Prefix for output files prompt requires that you specify a three-character prefix for the name of the output files. You can also specify the library to use.

    Note: Public authority to the created files is the same as the create authority of the library in which the files are created.

    • The Output member options prompt allows you to specify the name of the database file member that receives the output of the command and how to handle the new records if the member already exists.

    The commands whose subsetted output is sent to the spooled file or outfile are: WRKDGDFN, WRKDGOBJE, and WRKDGFE.

  16. To start the conversion, press Enter.

  17. When the command completes, the message “See the following messages for CVTRG results” appears at the bottom of the display.

    a.Click on the message and press F1 (Help). Then press F10 (Display messages in job log).

    b.You should see the one of the following completion messages. To display all information for a message, click the message and press F1.

    LVI3926. No resource groups in application group name.

    LVI392F. No resource groups are single threaded in application-group-name.

    LVI3931. All specified resource groups for app. group name converted to multithreading.

    LVI3935. Number-converted of total-number resource groups converted to multithreading.

    LVE351D. Number-converted of total-number resource groups converted to multithreading.

  18. When you are ready to resume replication, a clear pending start is required for the data groups that were part of the conversion. The simplest way to perform this is to do one of the following:

    • For an application group, use option 9 (Start) from the Work with Application groups display.

    • For a resource group, use option 9 (Start) from the Work with Data Rsc. Grp. Ent. display.

  19. If you specified to discard open commits in Step 14, running audits for the affected data groups is recommended. Do the following:

a.From a command line, enter:


b.Type 9 (Run rule next to the audits for the converted data groups and press Enter.