Using the additional parameters - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The following parameters allow you to specify an additional level of detail regarding CMPFILDTA command processing. These parameters are available by pressing F10 (Additional parameters).

Transfer definition: The default for the Transfer definition parameter is *DFT. If a data group was specified, the default uses the transfer definition    associated with the data group. If no data group was specified, the transfer definition associated with system 2 is used.

Number of thread groups: The Number of thread groups parameter indicates how many thread groups should be used to perform the comparison. You can specify from 1 to 100 thread groups.

When using this parameter, it is important to balance the time required for processing against the available resources. If you increase the number of thread groups in order to reduce processing time, for example, you also increase processor and memory use. The default, *CALC, will determine the number of thread groups automatically. To maximize processing efficiency, the value *CALC does not calculate more than 25 thread groups.

The actual number of threads used in the comparison is based on the result of the formula 2x + 1, where x is the value specified or the value calculated internally as the result of specifying *CALC. When *CALC is specified, the CMPFILDTA command displays a message showing the value calculated as the number of thread groups.

Note: Thread groups are created for primary compare processing only. During setup, multiple threads may be utilized to improve performance, depending on the number of members selected for processing. The number of threads used during setup will not exceed the total number of threads used for primary compare processing. During active processing, only one thread will be used.

Wait time (seconds):   The Wait time (seconds) value is only valid when active processing is in effect and specifies the amount of time to wait for active processing to complete. You can specify from 0 to 3600 seconds, or the default *NOMAX.

If active processing is enabled and a wait time is specified, CMPFILDTA processing waits the specified time for all pending compare operations processed through the MIMIX replication path to complete. In most cases, the *NOMAX default is highly recommended.        

DB apply threshold: The DB apply threshold parameter is only valid during active processing and requires that a data group be specified. The parameter specifies what action CMPFILDTA should take if the database apply session backlog exceeds the threshold warning value configured for the database apply process. The default value *END stops the requested compare and repair action when the database apply threshold is reached; any repair actions that have not been completed are lost. The value *NOMAX allows the compare and repair action to continue even when the database apply threshold has been reached. Continuing processing when the apply process has a large backlog may adversely affect performance of the CMPFILDTA job and its ability to compare a file with an excessive number of outstanding entries. Therefore, *NOMAX should only be used in exceptional circumstances.

Change date: The Change date parameter provides the ability to compare file members based on the date they were last changed or restored on the source system. This parameter specifies the date and time that MIMIX will use in determining whether to process a file member. Only members changed or restored after the specified date and time will be processed.

Members that have not been updated or restored since the specified timestamp will not be compared. These members are identified in the output by a difference indicator value of *EQ (DATE), which is omitted from results when the requested report type is *DIF.

The shipped default value is *ALL. All available dates are considered when determining whether to include or exclude a file member. However, the last changed and last restored timestamps are ignored by the decision process.

When *AUDIT is specified, the compare start timestamp of the #FILDTA audit is used in the determination of whether to process the file member. The command must specify a data group when this value is used. The *AUDIT value can only be used if the value 100 was in effect for the FILDTA audit percent options (FILDTAOPT) policy at the time the last audit was performed. If the audit option is lower, an error message is issued. The auditing option is available by displaying details for the audit (WRKAUD command).

When *ALL or *AUDIT is specified for Date, the value specified for Time is ignored.

Note: Exercise caution when specifying actual date and time values. A specified timestamp that is later than the start of the last audit can result in one or more file members not being compared. Any member changed between the time of its last audit and the specified timestamp will not be compared and therefore cannot be reported if it is not synchronized. The recommended values for this parameter are either *ALL or *AUDIT.