You should take extra precautions when using CMPFILDTA’s repair function, as it is capable of accessing and modifying data on your system.
To compare file data, you must have read access on both systems. When using the repair function, write access on the system to be repaired may also be necessary when active technology is not used.
CMPFILDTA builds upon the RUNCMD support in MIMIX. CMPFILDTA starts a remote process using RUNCMD, which requires two conditions to be true. First, the user profile of the job that is invoking CMPFILDTA must exist on the remote system and have the same password on the remote system as it does on the local system. Second, the user profile must have appropriate read or update access to the members to be compared or repaired. If active processing and repair is requested, only read access is needed. In this case, the repair processing would be done by the database apply process.