Comparing file record counts - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
First publish date

The Compare Record Counts (CMPRCDCNT) command allows you to compare the record counts of members of a set of physical files between two systems. This command compares the number of current records (*CURRDS) and the number of deleted records (*NBRDLTRCDS) for members of physical files that are defined for replication by an active data group. In resource-constrained environments, this capability provides a less-intensive means to gauge whether files are likely to be synchronized.

Note: Equal record counts suggest but do not guarantee that members are synchronized. To check for file data differences, use the Compare File Data (CMPFILDTA) command. To check for attribute differences, use the Compare File Attributes (CMPFILA) command.

Replication processes must be active for the data group when this command is used. Members on both systems can be actively modified by applications and by MIMIX apply processes while this command is running.

For information about the results of a comparison, see What differences were detected by #MBRRCDCNT.

When the File Member Record Counts (#MBRRCDCNT) audit finds differences during its compare phase, it will use the CMPFILDTA command for its recovery phase when the following conditions exist:

  • The Automatic audit recovery (AUDRCY) policy is set to *ENABLED and the Action for running audits (RUNAUDIT) policy is set to *CMPRPR.

  • The Maximum rule runtime (MAXRULERUN) policy specifying the number of minutes an audit can run is not exceeded.

  • The schedule for the File Data (#FILDTA) audit for the data group is set as follows when the corresponding File Member Record Counts (#MBRRCDCNT) audit is run and detects differences:

  • When a #MBRRCDCNT All-objects audit is run and the schedule for the #FILDTA All-objects audit is set to *DISABLED, a recovery will run.

  • When a #MBRRCDCNT Prioritized-objects audit is run and the schedule for the #FILDTA Prioritized objects audit is set to *DISABLED, a recovery will run.

  • When a File Member Record Counts (#MBRRCDCNT) audit is run manually in the Assure UI portal specifying Differences found in previous audit for the Objects to audit option and the schedule for the File Data (#FILDTA) audits for All Objects or Prioritized Objects is disabled, a recovery will run.

Note: From the native user interface, you can submit *ALL audit runs only. From the Assure UI portal, you can submit audit runs for *ALL (All Object), *PTY (Prioritized Objects), and *DIF (Differences found in previous audit).

When an audit recovery occurs, differences detected appear as either *AUTORCVD (Successful) and *NOTRCVD (Differences) values in the audit results.