You can compare object attributes to ensure that objects needed for replication exist on both systems or any time you need to verify that objects are synchronized between systems. You can optionally specify that results of the comparison are placed in an outfile.
To compare the attributes of objects, do the following:
From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, select option
(Compare, verify, and synchronize menu) and press Enter. -
From the MIMIX Compare, Verify, and Synchronize menu, select option
(Compare object attributes) and press Enter. -
The Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA) command appears. At the Data group definition prompts, do one of the following:
To compare attributes for all objects defined by the data group object entries for a particular data group definition, specify the data group name and skip to Step 6.
To compare objects by object name only, specify
and continue with the next step. -
To compare a subset of objects defined to a data group, specify the data group name and skip to continue with the next step.
At the Object prompts, you can specify elements for one or more object selectors that either identify objects to compare or that act as filters to the objects defined to the data group indicated in Step 3. For more information, see Object selection for Compare and Synchronize commands.
You can specify as many as 300 object selectors by using the + for more prompt. For each selector, do the following:
At the Object and library prompts, specify the name or the generic value you want.
At the Object type prompt, accept
or specify a specific object type to compare. -
At the Object attribute prompt, accept
to compare the entire list of supported attributes or pressF4
to see a valid list of attributes. -
At the Include or omit prompt, specify the value you want.
At the System 2 file and System 2 library prompts, if the object and library names on system 2 are equal to system 1, accept the defaults. Otherwise, specify the name of the object and library to which objects on the local system are compared.
Note: The System 2 file and System 2 library values are ignored if a data group is specified on the Data group definition prompts. - When *SPLF, *OUTQ, or *ALL are specified for the Object type prompt,
accepting the default
values for the Spooled file name and Spooled file job prompts will result in selecting all spooled files within *OUTQ objects in a library. You can qualify output queue comparison by specifying other values. Do one or more of the following:To compare all spooled files, accept the default
values for the Spooled file name, Spooled file number, Spooled file job name, Spooled file job user, and Spooled file job number prompts.To prevent spooled files in the selection from being compared, specify
at the Spooled file name, Spooled file number, Spooled file job name, Spooled file job user, and Spooled file job number prompts.To identify a specific spooled file or subset of spooled files, specify the name (or number, as appropriate) or a generic value at the Spooled file name, Spooled file number, Spooled file job name, Spooled file job user, and Spooled file job number prompts.
Note: When identifying spooled files for comparison, to uniquely identify spooled files, it may be necessary to specify additional criterion in the Spooled file created on system, Spooled file created date, and Spooled file created time (UTC) prompts. The time must be specified in UTC time zone. These criteria are considered for selection after meeting requirements for the specified spooled file job name, user name, and job number, spooled file name and spooled file number. - Press Enter.
The System 2 parameter prompt appears if you are comparing objects not defined to a data group. If necessary, specify the name of the remote system to which objects on the local system are compared.
At the Attributes to compare prompt, accept
to compare a pre-determined set of attributes or pressF4
to see a valid list of attributes. -
At the Attributes to omit prompt, accept
to compare all attributes specified in Step 6, or enter the attributes to exclude from the comparison. PressF4
to see a valid list of attributes. -
At the System 1 ASP group prompt, accept the default if no objects from any ASP group are to be compared on system 1. Otherwise, specify the name of the ASP group that contains objects to be compared on system 1.
Note: This parameter is ignored when a data group definition is specified. -
At the System 2 ASP group prompt, accept the default if no objects from any ASP group are to be compared on system 2. Otherwise, specify the name of the ASP group that contains objects to be compared on system 2.
Note: This parameter is ignored when a data group definition is specified. -
At the Report type prompt, specify the level of detail for the output report.
At the Output prompt, do one of the following
The User data prompt appears if you selected
in Step 11. Accept the default to use the command name to identify the spooled output or specify a unique name. Skip to Step 17. -
At the File to receive output prompts, specify the file and library to receive the output. (Press
(Help) to see the name of the supplied database file.) -
At the Output member options prompts, do the following:
At the Member to receive output prompt, specify the name of the database file member to receive the output of the command.
At the Replace or add prompt, specify whether new records should replace existing file members or be added to the existing list.
At the Maximum replication lag prompt, specify the maximum amount of time between when an object in the data group changes and when replication of the change is expected to be complete, or accept
to use the default maximum time of 300 seconds (5 minutes). You can also specify*NONE
, which indicates that comparisons should occur without consideration for replication in progress.Note: This parameter is only valid when a data group is specified in Step 3. -
At the Object difference messages prompt, specify whether you want detail messages placed in the job log. The value
places detail messages in the job log, and is the default used outside of shipped rules. When used as part of shipped rules, the default value is*OMIT
since the results are already placed in an outfile. -
At the Submit to batch prompt, do one of the following:
If you do not want to submit the job for batch processing, specify
and press Enter to start the comparison. -
To submit the job for batch processing, accept the default. Press Enter and continue with the next step.
At the Job description and Library prompts, specify the name and library of the job description used to submit the batch request.
At the Job name prompt, accept
to use the command name to identify the job or specify a simple name. -
To start the comparison, press Enter.