The following parameters for object selection are unique to the compare attributes commands and allow you to specify an additional level of detail when comparing objects or files.
Unique File and Object elements: The following are unique elements on the File parameter (CMPFILA command) and Objects parameter (CMPOBJA command):
Member: On the CMPFILA command, the value specified on the Member element is only used when *MBR is also specified on the Comparison level parameter.
Object attribute: The Object attribute element enables you to select particular characteristics of an object or file, and provides a level of filtering. For details, see CMPFILA supported object attributes for *FILE objects and CMPOBJA supported object attributes for *FILE objects.
Spooled file name: The Spooled file name element enables you to select spooled files by name. The spooled file name can be qualified by specifying the Spooled file number.
Spooled file job: The Spooled file job element enables you to select spooled files using the three-part name of the job that produced the spooled file. The Spooled file job name element can be qualified by specifying the Spooled file job user and Spooled file job number.
Spooled file created on system: The Spooled file created on system element enables you to select spooled files by the name of the system on which the job that created them ran.
Spooled file created date: The Spooled file created date element enables you to select spooled files by the date they were created.
Spooled file created time (UTC): The Spooled file created time element enables you to select spooled files by the time they were created. This time must be specified in UTC time zone.
System 2: The System 2 parameter identifies the remote system name, and represents the system to which objects on the local system are compared. This parameter is ignored when a data group is specified, since the system 2 information is derived from the data group. A value is required if no data group is specified.
Comparison level (CMPFILA only): The Comparison level parameter indicates whether attributes are compared at the file level or at the member level.
System 1 ASP group and System 2 ASP group (CMPFILA and CMPOBJA only): The System 1 ASP group and System 2 ASP group parameters identify the name of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) group where objects configured for replication may reside. The ASP group name is the name of the primary ASP device within the ASP group. This parameter is ignored when a data group is specified.