Example of a user-generated notification - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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A MIMIX administrator wants to see a notification reflected in MIMIX status when TCP communications fails. A message queue monitor on a specific system can check for a message indicating a communications failure and issue a notification when the message occurs.

Note: The administrator in this example must use care when determining where to create the monitor. A monitor runs only on a single system but the notification it will generate may be available on multiple systems. The role of the system (management or network) on which the monitor runs and the values specified for the Add Notification Entry command in the monitor’s event program determine where the notification will be available. (For details, see the DGDFN information in Creating user-generated notifications.) Because the communications problem being monitored may also prevent the notification from reaching the appropriate systems, the administrator chose to create this monitor on multiple systems in the installation.

The following command creates a message queue monitor named COMPROB to check for message LVE0113 (TCP communications request failed with error &1) in the MIMIX message queue in the MIMIXQGPL library:

CRTMONOBJ MONITOR(COMPROB) EVTCLS(*MSGQ) EVTPGM(user_library/COMPROB) MSGQ(MIMIXQGPL/MIMIX) MSGID(LVE0113) AUTOSTR(*YES) TEXT('Issue notification entry for TCP communication problem')

The event program includes the instruction to issue the following command, which will add a notification to MIMIX in the specified installation library:

      installation_library/ADDNFYE TEXT('comm failure') SEVERITY(*ERROR) DGDFN(*NONE) DETAIL(‘TCP communications failed. Investigation needed.’)

Once the monitor is enabled and started, the event program COMPROB will run when the message LVE0113 is detected. For additional information about creating monitors and writing event programs, see the Using MIMIX Monitor book.