MIMIX supports the ability to create user-generated notifications for user-defined events and have their status and severity reflected within overall MIMIX status. User-generated notifications can be created interactively from a command line or by automation programs when user-defined events are detected.
User-generated notifications are created with a status of *NEW. User-generated notifications appear on the Work with Notifications display and their severity is reflected in MIMIX status on higher-level displays. The systems from which you can view a notification are subject to the role of the system on which the notification was created and the value that was specified for the DGDFN parameter.
To create a user-generated notification, do the following:
Enter the following from a command line:
The Add Notification Entry (ADDNFYE) display appears. Specify values for the following prompts:
Notification description (TEXT) - Specify a short description with no more than 132 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. This text will appear on the Work with Notifications display
Notification severity (SEVERITY) - Specify the severity assigned to the notification. The specified value determines how the notification is prioritized in overall MIMIX status. Use the default value *ERROR to indicate an error was detected; typically action is required to resolve the problem. The value *WARNING identifies that action may be required and the value *INFO informs of a successful operation.
Data group definition (DGDFN) - If necessary, specify the three-part name for a data group. When a data group is specified, the notification is available on either system defined to the data group. When the value *NONE is specified, the role of the system (management or network) determines where the notification will be available. A notification with a value of *NONE added from a management system will not be available on any network systems. A notification with a value of *NONE added from a network system will not be available on any other network systems.
Notification details (DETAIL) - Specify information to identify what caused the notification and what users are expected to do if action is needed. This field must be no more than 512 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes. This information is visible when the notification details are displayed.
You can optionally specify values for Job name details (JOB) and File details (FILE) to identify the job which generated the notification and an associated output file and library. In order to have this information available to users, you must specify it now. When specified, this information is available for the notification from the system on which the notification was sent.
To add the notification, press Enter.