Considerations for rules - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Audit rules shipped with MIMIX are automatically submitted using the run rule commands and variables. Typically users do not interact with auditing infrastructure at the run rule command and variable levels. However, if interaction is required, consider the following:

General recommendations: 

  • Run MIMIX rules from a management system. For most environments, the management system is also the target system. If you cannot run rules from the management system due to physical constraints or because of complex configurations, you can change the Run rule on system policy to meet your needs. See the policies chapter of the Assure MIMIX Operations - 5250 book for more details.

  • When choosing the value for the Run rule on system policy, consider your switching needs.

  • To run the most comprehensive audits prior to a switch, specify the *ALL value for the Override audit policies prompt on the Run Rule (RUNRULE) command. This value allows the specified audit rules to run whether auditing is enabled or disabled (AUDRUN policy) and with values that override any applicable auditing options policies. If a specified audit has an applicable auditing option policy (FILDTAOPT, IFSAUDOPT, and DLOAUDOPT), the audit will run using the highest possible auditing option value regardless of the policy setting.

Considerations for the run rule commands: The RUNRULE command allows you to run multiple rules concurrently, with each specified rule running in an independent process. A limit of 100 unique rules can be specified per RUNRULE request.

The RUNRULEGRP command only allows you to specify one rule group at a time. Otherwise, this command is like the RUNRULE command.

When prompting the RUNRULE or RUNRULEGRP commands, consider the following:

  • For the Data group definition prompts, the default value, *NONE, means the rule will not be run against a data group. If *NONE is specified on the command when the rule uses the &DGDFN replacement variable, running the RUNRULE command results in an error condition in the audit status and a message log entry. When a data group name or *ALL is specified, any instance of the &DGDFN replacement variable is replaced with the data group name and each data group is run in a separate process.

  • For the Job description and Library prompts, the default value, MXAUDIT, submits the request using the default job description, MXAUDIT.

Rule-generated messages and notifications: For audits, the primary interface for checking results is the Audit Summary interface (Work with Audits display or Audits portlet). This topic describes additional, secondary messaging for rules.

When the action identified in a rule is started, an informational message appears in the message log. An informational message also appears when a rule action completes successfully.

When an action initiated by a rule ends in error or runs successfully but detects differences, an escape message appears in the message log and an error notification is sent to the notifications user interface (Work with Notifications display or Notifications portlet).

Rules that call MIMIX commands may result in an error notification and a message log entry if you not have a valid access code for the MIMIX product or if the access code expired.

Rule-related messages are marked with a Process value of *NOTIFY to facilitate the filtering of rules- and notification-related messages.