Disabling target journal inspection - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The shipped default values for new journal definitions and data group definitions automatically allow target journal inspection to occur. These instructions describe how to change an existing configuration to disable target journal inspection for a journal on a system.

Target system performance may be a reason why you may want to disable journal inspection.

Target journal inspection is performed for journals on systems that are the target for replication. Disabling inspection for a journal definition affects all data groups using the identified journal as a target journal. For example:

  • If multiple data groups of type *ALL or *OBJ have the same target system, those data groups are using the same QAUDJRN journal definition on the target system. Disabling inspection in that journal definition affects all of those data groups.

  • If multiple data groups of type *ALL or *DB have the same target system, you must determine if the data groups are using the same journal definition on the target system. Any data groups using the same target journal are affected when inspection is disabled in the journal definition.

From a management system, do the following to disable target journal inspection for one or more journals on a system:

  1. From the MIMIX Basic Main Menu, type an 11 (Configuration menu) and press Enter.

  2. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, type a 3 (Work with journal definitions) and press Enter.

  3. The Work with Journal Definitions display appears. Do the following:

    1. Press F18 (Subset). The Subset Journal Definitions display appears.

    2. At the System prompt, specify the name of the system on which you want to disable target journal inspection and press Enter.

  4. The resulting list includes only the journal definitions for the specified system. For each journal definition you want to change, do the following:

    1. Type 2 (Change) next to the journal definition and press Enter.
    2. The Change Journal Definition (CHGJRNDFN) display appears. Specify *NO for the Target journal inspection prompt and press Enter.


  • You do not need to change journal definitions for journals that are excluded from inspection when the system is the target for replication. Inspection does not occur for the journals identified in the MXCFGJRN journal definition and journal definitions that identify the remote journal used in RJ configurations (whose names typically end with @R).

  • When you change a QAUDJRN journal definition, all data groups that perform system journal replication or any form of cooperative processing with a user journal and are using that system as their target system are affected. When you change a journal definition for a user journal, any data groups that perform database replication or any form of cooperative processing and are using that system as their target system are affected.

Any active journal inspection jobs are ended when the configuration change is made. Inspection processes with status of *ACTIVE, *INACTIVE, and *NEWDG  will change to a status of not configured (*NOTCFG).