Checking file entry configuration manually - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The Check DG File Entries (CHKDGFE) command provides a means to detect whether the correct data group file entries exist with respect to the data group object entries configured for a specified data group in your MIMIX configuration. When file entries and object entries are not properly matched, your replication results can be affected.

Note: The preferred method of checking is to use automatic scheduling for the #DGFE audit, which calls the CHKDGFE command and can automatically correct detected problems. For additional information, see Interpreting results for configuration data - #DGFE audit .

To check your file entry configuration manually, do the following:

  1. On a command line, type CHKDGFE and press Enter. The Check Data Group File Entries (CHKDGFE) command appears.

  2. At the Data group definition prompts, select *ALL to check all data groups or specify the three-part name of the data group.

  3. At the Options prompt, you can specify that the command be run with special options. The default, *NONE, uses no special options. If you do not want an error to be reported if a file specified in a data group file entry does not exist, specify *NOFILECHK.

  4. At the Output prompt, specify where the output from the command should be sent—to print, to an outfile, or to both. See Step 6.

  5. At the User data prompt, you can assign your own 10-character name to the spooled file or choose not to assign a name to the spooled file. The default, *CMD, uses the CHKDGFE command name to identify the spooled file.

  6. At the File to receive output prompts, you can direct the output of the command to the name and library of a specific database file. If the database file does not exist, it will be created in the specified library with the name MXCDGFE.

  7. At the Output member options prompts, you can direct the output of the command to the name of a specific database file member. You can also specify how to handle new records if the member already exists. Do the following:

    1. At the Member to receive output prompt, accept the default *FIRST to direct the output to the first member in the file. If it does not exist, a new member is created with the name of the file specified in Step 6. Otherwise, specify a member name.

    2. At the Replace or add records prompt, accept the default *REPLACE if you want to clear the existing records in the file member before adding new records. To add new records to the end of existing records in the file member, specify *ADD.

  8. At the Submit to batch prompt, do one of the following:

    • If you do not want to submit the job for batch processing, specify *NO and press Enter to check data group file entries.

    • To submit the job for batch processing, accept *YES. Press Enter and continue with the next step.

  9. At the Job description prompts, specify the name and library of the job description used to submit the batch request. Accept MXAUDIT to submit the request using the default job description, MXAUDIT.

  10. At the Job name prompt, accept *CMD to use the command name to identify the job or specify a simple name.

  11. To start the data group file entry check, press Enter.