Renaming a transfer definition - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
First publish date

When you rename a transfer definition, other configuration information which references it is not updated with the new name. You must manually update other information which references the transfer definition. The following procedure renames the transfer definition and includes steps to update the other configuration information that references the transfer definition including the system definition, data group definition, and remote journal link. All of the steps must be completed.

To rename a transfer definition, do the following from the management system:

Note: The following procedure includes using MIMIX menus. See Accessing the MIMIX Main Menu for information about using these.
  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, select option 11 (Configuration menu) and press Enter.

  2. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, select option 2 (Work with transfer definitions) and press Enter.

  3. From the Work with Transfer Definitions menu, type a 7 (Rename) next to the definition you want to rename and press Enter.

  4. The Rename Transfer Definition display for the definition type you selected appears. At the To transfer definition prompt, specify the values you want for the new name and press Enter.

  5. Press F12 to return to the MIMIX Configuration Menu.

  6. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, select option 1 (Work with system definitions) and press Enter.

  7. From the Work with System Definitions menu, type a 2 (Change) next to the system name whose transfer definition needs to be changed and press Enter.

  8.  From the Change System Definition display, specify the new name for the transfer definition and press Enter.

  9. Press F12 to return to the MIMIX Configuration Menu.

  10. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, select option 4 (Work with data group definitions) and press Enter.

  11. From the Work with DG Definitions menu, type a 2 (Change) next to the data group name whose transfer definition needs to be changed and press Enter.

  12.  From the Change Data Group Definition display, specify the new name for the transfer definition and press Enter until the Work with DG Definitions display appears.

  13. Press F12 to return to the MIMIX Configuration Menu.

  14. From the MIMIX Configuration Menu, select option 8 (Work with remote journal links) and press Enter.

  15. From the Work with RJ Links menu, press F11 to display the transfer definitions.

  16. Type a 2 (Change) next to the RJ link where you changed the transfer definition and press Enter.

  17.  From the Change Remote Journal Link display, specify the new name for the transfer definition and press Enter.