Named definitions for configuration objects - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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MIMIX uses named definitions to identify related user-defined configuration information. You create named definitions for system information, communication (transfer) information, journal information, replication (data group) information, and coordinated control (application). Any definitions you create can be used by both user journal and system journal replication processes.

One or more or each of the following definitions are required to perform replication:

A system definition identifies the characteristics of a system that participates in a MIMIX installation.

Note: Each system has a nightly cleanup job (SM_CLEANUP) that runs shortly after midnight on the local system.

A transfer definition identifies the communications path and protocol to be used between two systems. MIMIX supports the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol.

A journal definition identifies a journal environment on a particular system. MIMIX uses the journal definition to manage the journal receiver environment used by the replication process.

A data group definition identifies the characteristics of how replication occurs between two systems. A data group definition determines the direction in which replication occurs between the systems, whether that direction can be switched, and the default processing characteristics to use when processing the database and object information associated with the data group.

An application group identifies whether the replication environment does or does not use IBM i clustering. When clustering is used, the application group defines information about an application or proprietary programs necessary for controlling operations in the clustering environment.

A remote journal link (RJ link) is a MIMIX configuration element that identifies an IBM i remote journaling environment. Newly created data groups use remote journaling as the default configuration. An RJ link identifies journal definitions that define the source and target journals, primary and secondary transfer definitions for the communications path used by MIMIX, and whether the IBM i remote journal function sends journal entries asynchronously or synchronously. When a data group is added, the ADDRJLNK command is run automatically, using the transfer definition defined in the data group.

The naming conventions used within definitions are described in Multi-part naming convention.