Data group entries - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Data group entries identify what data is to be included or excluded from replication. In the Assure UI portal, data group entries are known as selection rules. All configurations of MIMIX use data group entries in some way. System journal replication and default options for user journal replication require that you create data group entries. Data groups that optionally configure user journal replication to be journal-centric store equivalent information in internal tables, but also use data group entries to provide additional qualifying information and to exclude specific journaled objects from replication.

  • Data group file entry This type of data group entry identifies the location of a database file to be replicated and what its name and location will be on the target system.   Within a file entry, you can override the default file entry options defined for the data group. MIMIX only replicates transactions for physical files because a physical file contains the actual data stored in members. MIMIX supports both positional and keyed access paths for accessing records stored in a physical file.

  • Data group object entries This type of entry allows you to identify library-based objects for replication. Examples of library-based objects include programs, user profiles, message queues, and non-journaled database files. To select these types of objects for replication, you select individual objects or groups of objects by generic or specific object and library name, and object type. Optionally, for files, you can specify an extended object attribute such as PF-DTA or DSPF.

  • Data group IFS entries This type of entry allows you to identify integrated file system (IFS) objects for replication. IFS objects include directories, stream files, and symbolic links. They reside in directories, similar to DOS or UNIX files. You can select IFS objects for replication by specific or generic path name.

  • Data group DLO entries   This type of entry allows you to identify document library objects (DLOs) for replication. DLOs are documents and folders. They are contained in folders (except for first-level folders). To select DLOs for replication you select individual DLOs by specific or generic folder and DLO name, and owner.

A single data group can contain any combination of these types of data group entries.