In addition to the system values identified above for software installation, the following system value settings are required for MIMIX to function properly. System values that are changed by MIMIX are identified.
QAUDCTL - Auditing controlSetting: *OBJAUD and *AUDLVLRequired for system journal (QAUDJRN) replication. Set by MIMIX when starting replication processes and when MIMIX commands are used to build the journaling environment for system journal replication.
QAUDLVL - Security auditing levelSetting: Multiple values set by MIMIX as described below.Required for system journal (QAUDJRN) replication. Set by MIMIX when starting replication processes and when MIMIX commands are used to build the journaling environment for system journal replication. Set as follows:
MIMIX adds the values *CREATE, *DELETE, *OBJMGT, and *SAVRST.
MIMIX checks for values *SECURITY, *SECCFG, *SECRUN, and *SECVLDL. If the value *SECURITY is set, no change is made. If *SECURITY is not set, MIMIX adds the values *SECCFG, *SECRUN and *SECVLDL.
If there is any data group configured to replicate spooled files, MIMIX adds the values *SPLFDTA and *PRTDTA.
If there is any data group configured to replicate jobs within *JOBQ objects, MIMIX checks for the presence of either *JOBDTA or *JOBBAS values. If necessary, MIMIX will change QAUDLVL to add *JOBBAS to ensure that journal entries for job level auditing can be placed in the system journal. This may result in more journal entries in the system (QAUDJRN) journal. MIMIX does not update the QAUDLVL system value to remove the *JOBDTA or *JOBBAS values if you later change configuration to no longer replicate jobs.
QMLTTHDACN - Multithreaded job actionSetting: cannot be set to 3Affects only environments licensed for Assure MIMIX for PowerHA, which cannot have the value 3 set on any node in the cluster.
QPWDLVL and other QPWDnnnn system valuesSetting: Strongly recommend using the same settings on all systems in the instance.When a data group is configured to replicate user profiles, MIMIX replication enforces the QPWD system value settings on each system. If values on the target system are more restrictive, replication failures can occur for user profiles with replicated passwords. These system values are set by MIMIX.
QRETSVRSEC - Retain server security dataSetting: 1Required on each system in the MIMIX product instance for MIMIX operations that use remote journaling. If the value is not 1, MIMIX sets this value to 1 when MIMIX system manager processes start and when a transfer definition is created or changed.
QSHRMEMCTL - Shared memory controlSetting: 1=AllowedSystems in an instance that are defined to data groups configured for multithreaded database apply processing require the use of shared memory. If shared memory is not allowed, database apply processing uses single-threading, which may result in degraded performance.
QTIME - Time of daySetting: Correct value for time zone in which the partition runs.All systems in an instance must be properly set to prevent issues when running procedures. Not set by MIMIX.
QTIMZON - Time zoneSetting: Time zone in which the partition runsAll systems in an instance must be properly set to prevent issues when running procedures. Not set by MIMIX.
For additional information, see these topics: