Support for switching - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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MIMIX provides support for switching due to planned and unplanned events in environments licensed for MIMIX® products. The mechanism by which you perform a switch depends on your configuration.

In environments configured with application groups, switching activity is initiated at the application group level and performed by procedures. Data groups are controlled and switched by those procedures. When there are more than two nodes in an instance, Assure MIMIX Global is used to handle the switch.

In environments that have data groups that are not associated with application groups, switching is typically performed using the MIMIX Switch Assistant™, which calls your default MIMIX Model Switch Framework to control the switching process.

Both methods of switching can be customized. Your authorized MIMIX representative can assist you in implementing advanced switching scenarios.

To enable a switchable data group to function properly for default user journal replication processes, four journal definitions (two RJ links) are required. Journal definition considerations contains examples of how to set up these journal definitions.

You can specify whether to end the RJ link during a switch. Default behavior for a planned switch is to leave the RJ link running. Default behavior during an unplanned switch is to end the RJ link. Once you have a properly configured data group that supports switching, you should be aware of the state of the RJ link following a switch. For more information, see RJ link considerations when switching.

Application group environments also support the ability to use a target node in your replication environment to test applications for potential problems that could otherwise occur in a switch. This is called virtual switching, and does not actually switch the direction of replication.

For additional information about switching, see the Assure MIMIX Operations book. For additional information about MIMIX Model Switch Framework, see the Using MIMIX Monitor book.