Support for checking installation status - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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If you use the Assure MIMIX portal application for the Assure Unified Interface (Assure UI portal), you can see at a glance at a single icon whether a problem exists in a MIMIX installation. The Assure UI portal provides significant guidance in flyover-text for status about what to do to resolve problems. The portal also provides support for subscriptions so that the portal can automatically notify you when a problem occurs.

For both the Assure UI portal and the native interface on System i, MIMIX is designed so that any problems are rolled up into status values shown on the portlets or displays you use most often. You can drill deeper into each user interface when necessary to resolve problems.

The primary areas for which status can surface are: system-level processes, replication activity, replication processes, and auditing.

From the Assure UI portal, the Replication Environment portlet provides the ability to see an instance-level summaries of status for replication processes, replication backlogs, automatic and manual correction activity, and audits of application groups and data groups. The portlet also summarizes procedure status for application groups and provides information that can help you estimate how long a planned switch may take.

System-level processes are reported in the Nodes portlet in the Assure UI portal and on the Work with Systems (WRKSYS) display.

In environments configured with application groups, application group status includes roll up status of replication errors, replication processes, and auditing. Application group status is found in the Replication Environment portlet and the Application Groups portlet in the Assure UI portal and on the Work with Application Groups (WRKAG) display.

In environments configured with only data groups, data group status includes replication errors and replication processing. Data group status is found in the Replication Environment portlet and the Data Groups portlet in the Assure UI portal and on the Work with Data Groups (WRKDG) display.

Auditing status is reflected at the application group and data group level interfaces, as well on the Audits portlet in the Assure UI portal and the Work with Audits (WRKAUD) display.