Support for advanced analysis - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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From a web browser, you can access advanced analysis capabilities that are only available when using the MIMIX portal application in the Assure UI portal. These capabilities include:

  • Viewing the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Estimate (RTO), analysis available from the Replication Environment portlet. This information also includes statistics for previously performed planned switch operations.

  • Viewing a list of replicated objects associated with an application group or data group in the Replicated Objects window.

  • Viewing the recovery actions that have been automatically initiated to correct detected problems. You can see details of the reported problems, the status of any new or in-progress recovery actions that need to complete before certain operations are performed, as well as recently completed or failed recovery actions. This information can be accessed from the Object Correction Activity window for all sources of reported problems, or for specific subsets of problems on the Objects Changed on Target window or the Virtual Switch Activity window. When a recovery action fails, these windows identify that manual recovery is needed and provide actions to perform manual recovery for the reported problems.

  • The Data Protection Reports Summary portlet and the Data Protection Reports portlet allow you to view reports of the libraries, directories, and folders on a node and determine which objects are or are not identified to the MIMIX configuration. Options are available that allow you to include or exclude objects in configuration, or change existing configuration for the listed objects.

  • The Arrivals and Backlog portlet allows you to check recent history of the rate at which replication work arrived and the size of any replication backlogs. By charting historical arrival rates and backlogs together, it is easier to identify how trends and anomalies in arriving journal activity correlate to when and why replication backlogs occurred. Identification is key to reducing or eliminating the exposure that backlogs create.