Download the product delivery file
Extract the delivery file and find the data text file
- Download the Create Table script
Open the Create Table script in a text editor and confirm that the table name is set to CAN_Address_Fabric
- If a new format (FMT) file needs to be created, please follow the steps found in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191516.aspx
- Issue the following
Syntax:bcp <database_name>.dbo.<table_name> format nul -c -f <path>\format_file_name.fmt -t " " -S -T
-T: Specifies that the bcp utility connects to SQL Server with a trusted connection using integrated security. If -T is not specified, the
parameters for username and password must be passed in order to log in.-t " ": Specifies that the format file will be generated using the tab delimiter.
Example:bcp AF.dbo.can_address_fabric format nul -c -f C:\ can_address_fabric\can_address_fabric.FMT -t " " –S –T
Note: Once the format file has been generated, \r needs to be removed from the file
in order to load data successfully.