Remove metabase (MS SQL server) - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - aws_mainframe_modernization_service - Latest

AWS Mainframe Modernization - Data Replication for IBM i

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AWS Mainframe Modernization > AWS Mainframe Modernization Service
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AWS Mainframe Modernization
AWS Mainframe Modernization - Data Replication for IBM i
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Use this dialog to remove the Connect CDC metabase from this server. The Connect CDC Director sends SQL to the sending server host machine to remove the omnirep database.

Before you remove the metabase, you should disable capture for any tables with change capture enabled. Failure to do so leaves Connect CDC triggers in place, which may interfere with user updates of your data tables. You have to remove these triggers yourself. If your tables still have capture enabled when you invoke the Remove Metabase program, the program offers to disable capture on the tables for you.

To remove the metabase:

  1. Right-click Remove Metabase, from the context menu of the MS SQL Server source.

    The User ID and Password dialog displays:

  2. Provide a password for the user sa, the system administrator for the SQL Server server. The user sa is used at the server to execute scripts that remove the Connect CDC metabase.

  3. Click OK.

    The Remove Metabase dialog displays.

  4. Review the text displayed in the Remove Metabase dialog.

  5. Click OK to remove the metabase.

  6. An output window displays a log of the SQL statements sent and any errors that occur. You can save or print this log, and you can copy selected text from it to the Windows Clipboard.

  7. Upon successful removal, a confirmation message displays.

What happens

  • Deletes the (DTSV53) SQL Server metabase data and log files.

  • Deletes rpuser login.

  • If the user rpuser is the default, you receive a warning message when you next try to access this server with that connection.