Right-click Path Groups, then select New Path Group.
In Name, enter a name for the path group.
Define one or more paths as described below.
For each host in the path, select the hosts position in the path:
Click Add path to add the new path to the path group. The paths are displayed in Existing paths in the following format:
The characters >>> indicate the direction of the path from source through intermediate host to target. You can have multiple source and target hosts.
Do any of the following, as required:
To change an existing path, highlight the path group, click Delete selected, then repeat step a and step b.
Click Reset to deselect all checkboxes and display the hosts in their original order.
Use Move down or Move up to order the hosts. Only the order of the intermediate hosts is important.
Check Bidirectional path to define paths in both directions: source>>>intermediate>>>target and target>>>intermediate (in reverse order)>>>source. A bidirectional path is shown using <=> symbols between source, intermediate, and target hosts.
For a bi-directional distribution, you must define path groups in both directions.
The following is an example of path group definitions with multiple hosts and targets:
Highlight any path to see its data.
Any source host allows you to define a non-specific path between any source host and any target specified. This is useful when defining hosts without fixed IP addresses or DNS names as client hosts (for Connect CDC Director, Connect CDC MonCon, or Connece CDC Console use).
Your path groups appear as branches.