You can use the default Java keystore to preform authentication.
On the machine running Connect CDC Director, create a Java keystore.
Open a command console session.
At the command prompt, type
'keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias empty -keystore {name of keystore - e.g. precisely.jks}'
and press enter to create keystore with one entry.
Type a password when prompted.
Accept 'UNKNOWN' when prompted for CN, ORG, CITY, etc.
Type 'yes' at the 'Is this entry correct?' prompt.
At the command prompt, type
'keytool -delete -alias empty -keystore oracyberark2.jks'
and press enter to remove the key and empty the keystore.
Export the trusted certificate from SQL Server.
Launch Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and connect to the SQL server.
Navigate to the trusted certificate, by either selecting 'Certificates (Local Computer)' -> Personal -> Certificates or selecting 'Certificates (Local Computer)' -> 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' -> Certificates.
Right-click on the trusted certificate used by SQL Server and select 'All Tasks' -> Export to open the export wizard.
Accept most of the default values in the Wizard. For page to specify file for certificate, type the file system path to which you save the trusted file certificate file on the machine running Connect CDC Director.
On the machine running Connect CDC Director, at the command prompt, type
'keytool -import -keystore {name of empty keystore from step 1} -file {name of trusted certificate file from step 2}'
and press enter to add the trusted certificate to the keystore.
Type 'yes' at the 'Trust this certificate?' prompt.